Wawbeek, New York, is a hamlet near the site of the Wawbeek Hotel, on the western shore of Upper Saranac Lake.  It was

Plattsburgh Republican, June 16, 1906

Considerable interest is being shown in the evergreen forests planted in the Adirondacks in the country surrounding Saranac Lake by the Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Close to the sanitarium at Ray Brook are plantations of white pine, Scotch pine and Norway spruce. Near Lake Placid there is a stretch of a mile covered with white and Scotch pine. Although severely tried by the changeable winter weather nearly all have lived and are doing well. Near Lake Clear Junction is a plantation of 350,000 white pine, Scotch pine, Norway spruce, European larch, and Douglas fir, planted four years ago and growing rapidly. Between Paul Smith's and McCollom's 400,000 trees were planted, white and Scotch pine. A pine plantation may be seen from the car windows between Saranac Lake and Lake Clear Junction. The trees are all white pine planted in 1902. Three nurseries for forest trees are now in operation in the Adirondacks. One at Saranac Inn Station, another at Wawbeek and a third at Axton, the latter two of which were started by the Cornell College of Forestry, and afterwards taken up by the State Forestry Commission.