Wilhelmina du Pont Ross and Donald Peabody Ross, 1950
From the Hagley Museum (Fair Use)

Born: July 17, 1906

Died: June 25, 2000

Married: Donald Ross

Children:  Joan Ross; Donald Peabody Ross, Jr., Sheila Ross 

Wilhelmina Du Pont Ross was an owner of Land's End, a camp on Upper Saranac Lake.  And she inherited 27,000-acre Ross Park on Donald Ross's death.

A July 1, 1937 New York Times article on a Congressional committee investigation into income tax avoidance and evasion via incorporation of private assets listed Mrs. Ross as follows:

Mrs. WILHELMINA DU PONT ROSS of Montchanin, Del., who turned over to a corporation her racing stable, farms, gas leases and securities and claimed losses from operation of the farms and stable of nearly $300,000 in the past six years, and, with other deductions, saved $172,469 in taxes.

