Born: 1848

Died: c. 1907

Married: Lucy (Kitty) M. Stearns

Children: Fannie Camelia, May 1881; Clifton E. Trombley; Dorothy, Sep 1897

William Edgar Trombley was a carpenter who founded about 1900 the sawmill that would become, with the later addition of Jack Carrier, Trombley & Carrier general contractors and sash and trim mill, responsible for much of the early building stock of Saranac Lake. He was a member of St. Luke's Episcopal Church; he was buried in Pine Ridge Cemetery.

Essex County Republican, August 2, 1907

Prominent Contractor Dead.

The funeral of the late W. E. Trombly, [sic] of the firm of Trombly & Carrier, contractors, of Saranac Lake, who died in Boston last Saturday of appoplexy, was held Tuesday afternoon from the St. Luke's Episcopal church, Saranac Lake, Rev. W. H. Larom officiating. The F. and A. M. Lodge of which he was a member attended In a body. The Knights Templars, of Malone, of which he was also a member, conducted the services. The carpenters, painters, and mason unions also attended, about 800 of the different organizations being in line. The floral tributes of the different lodges were profuse. Among the relatives from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hovell, of Boston; Mr. Oliver Trombly, of Wawbeek, and John Collins, of Boston. The pall bearers were John R. Hogan, Arthur D. Manning, William F. Roberts, Fred Trembel, E. R. Young, C. L. Sherrill.

All business was suspended for the afternoon showing to an extent the respect in which the deceased was held.