William Minshull's tombstone, Pine Ridge Cemetery Born: 1865
Died: October 2, 1924
Married: Ida
Children: Francis M. Harding
William Minshull was a banker from New York City who came to Saranac Lake for his health. In 1897 he joined with John F. Neilson and Alfred L. Donaldson, who were in similar circumstances, to form the Adirondack National Bank, the first national bank in the Adirondacks. Mr. Neilson died two years after the bank was started. Mr. Donaldson retired in 1907. Mr. Minshull, the cashier, became president in 1913. The first and only president till then had been Mr. R.H. Mclntyre, a local merchant, who also served as postmaster for two terms. Mr. Mclntyre resigned from the bank on account of failing health in 1913 and died in 1914. As a member or members, William Minshull and his wife, Ida, were named in the sale of Pontiac Club property to the Saranac Lake Boys' Club, Inc., in 1917.
Minshull was elected the first president of the Saranac Lake Chamber of Commerce in 1921.
Donaldson, Alfred L. A History of the Adirondacks, New York: The Century Co., 1921 (reprinted by Purple Mountain Press, Fleischmanns, NY, 1992)
Plattsburgh Republican, October 2, 1909.
The managers of the Ray Brook Sanitarium are insisting upon the removal of William Minshull as treasurer of the institution, although Attorney General O'Malley exonerated Mr. Minshull from blame in connection with the recent embezzlement of O.E. Droege. Mr. Minshull has not resigned and charges were filed against him for his removal. Frank Kendall, of Saranac Lake, has been chosen treasurer to succeed Mr. Minshull.
Adirondack Record-Elizabethtown Post, October 9, 1924
William Minshull, president of the Adirondack National bank Saranac, Lake, one of the leaders for 25 years in civic development of Saranac Lake, died shortly after noon last Wednesday at his home. He had been ill at his home two months.
Born in Hempstead, L. I., in 1866, son of Samuel H. and Fannie W. Minshull, he went to Saranac Lake in 1895 as a health seeker.
On June 17, 1897, the Adirondack National bank was organized with Mr. Minshull as cashier. In 1913, he became its president. As head of the bank, Mr. Minshull had been largely responsible for the growth of Saranac Lake.
His sound judgment and wide knowledge on matters pertaining to the village were allied closely with resultant prosperity for the bank and its clients.
Mr. Minshull's interests in civic improvement were many and as a leading figure in the Saranac Lake board of trade and later the present chamber of commerce, he took an active part in affairs of the community.
He was a member of Whiteface Mountain lodge, F & A. M., Oriental Temple, Mystic Shrine, and Malone lodge 1303, B. P. O. E.
He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Winifred Bloom. Funeral services were held at the home Saturday afternoon