The Works Progress Administration (renamed during 1939 as the Work Projects Administration, and almost universally known as the WPA) was the largest and most ambitious New Deal agency, employing millions of unskilled workers to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads, and operated large arts, drama, media, and literacy projects. It fed children and redistributed food, clothing, and housing. Almost every community in the United States had a park, bridge or school constructed by the agency, which especially benefited rural and Western areas.

It was ended in 1942, when the employment upsurge caused by World War II made it unnecessary.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, May 5, 1936


Improvements to Riverside Drive will start on May 13, according to an announcement made by Village Manager Millar Johnson at a meeting of the village board last night.

Listed as a WPA project, the work will include widening the present road to thirty-five feet, removal of the sidewalk to the lake shore side of the road, and the installation of new curbing.

In connection with the project Trustee Sol Drutz made a motion that Paul Smith's Electric Light Company be instructed to remove overhead wires and poles and to arrange for the installation of ornamental street lights on the new sidewalk.

Approximately four months will be required to complete the work at which forty-eight men will be given work four days per week.

The appropriation calls for an estimated expenditure of $17,400, of which approximately $10,200 will be furnished by the federal government and the balance $7,200 by the village.

See also

