Below is an informal list of the many World War II Veterans (those who served in any capacity) from the Saranac Lake area. Note the separate list of veterans from the town of Brighton, below.
This page list more than 1300 veterans of World War II. It should be fairly complete. Please add any names of veterans that are missing— using the Comments box at the end is the easiest way.
Note: Names underlined with a dashed line like this have not had articles written about them. If you have information to contribute, you can click on the link and select "Create as a person," then fill in the information.
- Donald F. Abare (wounded)
- Carl Abare
- Earl J. Abare
- Lawrence Abare
- Gerald Abbott
- Robert Agnew, Navy
- Gaylord J. Aleman
- Francis Allen
- William Allen
- Frederick G. Allnutt, Army
- Clifford Amell
- Homer V. Amell
- Isadore J. Amell
- Lawrence Amell
- Leo F. Amell
- Raymond P. Amell
- Ira R. Ames
- Donald E. Anderson
- Fletcher Andrews, Navy
- Foster Andrews, Navy
- Benjamin Anjima
- Philip Arlan
- Delbert Arnold
- Earl A. Arnold
- Percy A. Arnold (wounded)
- Lillian B. Arnold
- Read L. Arnow
- William Atkinson, Merchant Marine
- Carlton B. Aubin
- William Bailey
- Kenneth F. Baily
- Clarence H. Baker
- Evelyn Baker †
- Evet Baker
- Homer E. Baker
- Leonard Baker (killed)
- Robert H. Baker
- Henry Ives Baldwin
- Garrett G. Barry†
- Benjamin E. Banker, Sr.
- Ernest Banker
- Arthur L. Bartlett
- James J. Baxter
- Lynn D. Baxter
- Clifford H. Baynon
- John L. Beardsley
- George Bedore
- Alton Beideck
- J. Ray Bell, Jr.
- Robert Bell
- Richard P. Bellaire
- Elbert G. Bellows, Navy
- James W. Bellows
- Fred Bendell
- Allen G. Bennett (killed)
- Herbert W. Bennett
- John P. Benson
- Harold F. Bentz, Jr.
- Alfred L. Benware Jr.
- Ray Benware
- Willard Benware
- Clarence A. Berry (wounded)
- George E. Besaw
- Edward J. Betters
- James L. Betters
- Carl J. Bevilacqua
- Lionel Bibeau
- Jim Bickford
- Dr. Harold F. Birk
- Franklin A. Bermingham
- Marguerite Bishop †
- Ronald M. Bishop
- Dr. Ted Blackmar
- Edward C. Blair, Army
- John Blanchard
- Jeremy Blanchet
- Henry Blondo
- Paul Blondo
- Rudolph Blondo
- Carl A. Blumenthal (killed)
- Walter A. Boardman
- Bob Bogie
- Douglas Bombard
- James H. Bombard
- Milton G. Bombard
- Herbert Boon
- Edwin C. Booth (killed)
- George Booth
- Bernard T. Bordeau (wounded)
- Raymond A. Bordeau
- Donald Bosquet
- Bernard Boula †
- Jesse Boula †
- Oliver J. Boula (wounded)
- Donald Bousquet
- Frank A. Boyea
- Lawrence Boyer †
- Edward K. Brady
- Frederick Branch
- Joseph S. Branch
- Marshall J. Branch
- Richard Branch
- Lawrence J. Bray (wounded)
- Helen Brescia
- Bernard Brewster †
- Charles S. Brewster
- Samuel K. Brewster
- Morrison Brigham
- Theodore J. Brinkman
- Alvin W. Brown (wounded)
- Bernard Brown †
- Clayton A. Brown
- Donald J. Brown
- Everett M. Brown
- Gladys R. Brown
- Graham Brown †
- Harold Brown †
- James D. Brown
- Orville E. Brown
- Paul Brown, Corporal †
- Phillip Brown
- Thomas Henry Brown
- Wilfred E. Brown †
- Roland J. Bryant
- Hubert E. Brulliea
- Franklyn G. Buck, Jr.
- Russell W. Buck
- Francis Buckland
- Francis E. Buckley
- Jeremiah Buckley
- John F. Bullock
- Maurice F. Bulris †
- Bernard T. Burdeaux
- Arthur Burkett
- Harry Burl
- Raymond Burleigh or * Raymond W. Burleigh †
- George Burns
- Donald Bushy
- William M. Butterfield
- Theodore A. Butti
- Robert P. Byno, Marines
- Francis A. Callaghan
- James E. Callaghan
- George V. Callaghan (wounded)
- Lawrence J.Callaghan
- Edward Callahan †
- LouisCampbell
- Grant Cane
- Thomas B. Cantwell
- William Cantwell (wounded)
- John P. Carey
- Joseph M. Carey (wounded)
- George Henry Carley, Jr.
- Peter Carley
- Donald C.Carr
- Robert Carr (wounded)
- Elric J. Carter
- Frederick Lee Carter
- Telesphore O. Carter
- Peter N.Casey
- Francis Casier
- ErnestCassavaugh
- Raymond W. Cassavaugh (wounded)
- Joseph M. Catalano
- Charles E. Cataract
- Charles Catchman †
- Earl F. Catillaz
- Joseph P. Cavallo, Navy
- Richard C. Chabot
- W. Seaver Chaffee
- John C.Chapple
- Art Charland
- Frederick J.Charland
- Richard Charland †
- Ralph J. Cheeseman
- Bernard B.Chesbrough
- HaroldChesbrough
- Leon L. Chesbrough (wounded)
- Eugene Christian
- John M. Church
- Joseph S. Church
- Thomas Church
- Walter Church
- Michael E. Cimbrec
- Louis Clancy †
- Marie T.Clancy
- Edward Claremont †
- Claude R. Clark
- Donald L. Clark
- Ernest W. Clark
- Francis Clark †
- Fred Clark
- Herbert J. Clark
- Howard Clark †
- Russell W. Clark
- Watson G. Clark
- Thomas Clement, Army
- EdwinClookey
- Snair Cohen
- Earle A. Colby
- Edgar G. Collins
- Francis M. Collins
- George Francis Conley
- Frank A. Conlin †
- William Leo Comstock
- Paul R. Connor
- Ralph D.Connor
- Richard B. Connor
- Dale O. Coolan
- Gilbert F. Corbin
- Manley 'John' M. Corson
- Andrew E. Cook
- Harold R. Cook
- Owen K. Coolidge
- M. J. Corsen, Army
- Edward W. Costigan
- Alice Cote †
- Donald F. Coughlin
- James R. Cox * (killed)
- George A. Craft
- Harold Crary
- Lloyd Crary
- Newell Crary
- Vemon Crary
- Anthony D. Crisham
- James Cromie
- Joseph Cross †
- Richard E. Cross
- Jay H. Cummings
- Peter Leslie Curley
- Kathleen J. Curtin
- Ambrose Cusprinie
- Hugh Cutheral, Air Force <--
- Hough Cuthrell <--
- Mike D'Ambrisi
- John Dami, Navy
- William B. Dandrew
- Harry H. Danforth
- James Wm. Daniels, Army, HD
- Doris Darrah
- Edward Darrah
- Lyall M. Darrah, Army
- Leland G. Daunais
- Leo L. Daunais
- James Davidson † or * James Davidson, Sr.
- William Davidson, Sr. †
- William Davidson, Jr. †
- Kenneth I. Davies
- George H. Davis
- Nelson Davis, Jr.
- Richard Donald Davis
- Janet Parker Decker
- Joseph L. DeFuria
- Charles L. Delancett
- Paul Delcore
- Victor A. Delcore
- Irene E. Delisle
- Alfred Delorm
- Dean Demers
- Robert W. Demers
- Dean L. Demerse
- Robert W. Demerse
- Russell E. Demerse
- John G. Deming (killed)
- William Deming
- William Arthur Demo
- Joseph Denicolo
- Donald F. Desourdy
- Maitland DeSormo
- Arthur D. Devlin
- Merton J. DeWitt
- Warner C. Dietz
- Edward L. Disco
- William G. Distin, Jr.
- Lincoln Dixon
- John Dolan †
- Barbara P. D'Onofrio
- Louis F. Donofrio
- Salvator D'onofrio †
- Joseph F. Donovan
- Arlington Dora
- Willard Dora (killed)
- William Dora, KIA
- Robert E. Dorton
- George S. Doty, Jr.
- Raymond E. Doty (wounded)
- Raymond R. Doty
- Harry A. Doty, Navy
- Raymond Doty
- Kenneth Douglas
- Benjamin Downs
- Edward J. Doyle, Army 10th Mountain Division
- Ernest J. Drowlette †
- Louie J. Drowlette
- Douglas R. Drum
- Kenneth Drumm (killed)
- Joe Drutz
- Gordon Dubray
- Michael Dudash †
- Gordon F. Dudley
- Carl P. Duerr, Army
- Charles H. Duffy
- James Duffy †
- Walter H. Duffy, Jr.
- H. Michael Dukett, Army
- George H. Dukett
- Louis A. Dukett
- Mitchel Dukett (wounded)
- Graham W. Dunlop, Army
- Kathryn C. Duprea
- James E. Duprea, Jr. (killed)
- Donald Dupree †
- Donald V. Dupree (wounded)
- Paul Dupree
- Raymond Dupree
- Robert E. Dupree
- William Dupree
- Arthur V. Duprey, Army
- Lawrence Duprey
- Philip Duprey
- Robert J. Duprey
- Robert V. Duprey, Army
- Roy A. Duprey
- Syriac Duprey
- John J. Duquette
- George E. Durett
- Howard L. Durette
- Edward Duso
- Harold Duso
- Robert Duso
- Oliver L. Dyer
- A. Stanford Dysinger
- Elliot F. Dysinger
- William H. Ebelke
- Harold C. Eckhart
- Irving Edelberg (wounded)
- John Edelberg
- Robert K. Edgley
- Harold Edwards
- Constance C. Elber
- Donald H. Eldrett
- Howard Ellithorpe
- Raymond D. Ellsworth
- Donald Emigh
- Charles T. Endy
- Roger Erricsen
- Albert I. Evans, Jr.
- Howard E. Facto
- James H. Falvey
- Francis Farrell
- Peter G. Farrell
- Thomas P. Farrell
- Earl J. Farrington
- Harold E. Farrisee
- Helen M. Farrisee
- James V. Farrisee
- Claude Favaro
- Edward J. Ferber, Army
- Pascal A. Fina, Jr.
- Arnold Finlayson
- John F. Finn
- Robert K. Finn
- Roy C. Finn
- Maurice J. Finnegan
- Monroe Flagg †
- Robert C. Flanders
- Benjamin L. Fletcher
- James W. Fletcher
- John Flynn (killed)
- Harry L. Fridman, Jr.
- Chester Fobare
- Edwin Fobare
- Irvin Fobare
- Lawrence E. Foley
- Edward Fordham
- Andrew Fortune, Sr. or Andrew Fortune †
- Arthur L. Fortune
- Frederick A. Fortune
- Ernest L. Foster, Army
- Ernest E. Foster
- Mose H. Foster (wounded)
- Francis N. Fox (killed)
- Benjamin R. Frantz
Hugo R. Franz
- William K. Franz
- Harry L. Fridman, Jr.
- Oscar B. Friedman
- Harold Fuller (killed)
- Leo C. Furlong
- Reginold H. Furness
- Ambrose A. Furnia
- Kenneth Furnia
- Donald S. Gallagher
- Francis E. Gallagher
- Robert A. Gallagher
- John Gardner
- Randall Gardner †
Fred Garrow
- Leo F. Garvey
- Donn Garwood
- Kenneth P. Garwood
- Arthur P. Gates (wounded)
- Philip Gates
- Alfred B. Gauthier
- Francis E. Gauthier
- Homer Gauthier (wounded)
- Mathew Gauthier
- Wally Gay
- Dr. Anthony Gedroiz
- Charles J. Gehrig
- Rene Gendron
- Ernest F. Gero †
- Lillian B. Gero
- Robert Gibson
- John E. Gillespie, Navy Frogman
- Joseph P. Gillespie
- Lehaland J. Gillmett
- Edward R. Girard
- Charles A. Girouard
- Eugene Gladd
- Francis Gladd †
- Robert Gladd (wounded)
- Henry A. Goddeau
- Robert Goetz (killed)
- William G. Goetz
- William J. Goetz
- Benjamin E. Goff
- Albert A. Gonyea
- Carl Gonyea
- Gaylon Gonyea
- George E. Gonyea
- Jack Gonyea
- Julius Gonyea, Jr.
- Leon Gonyea
- Joseph Gonyea
- William E. Goyea
- Richard Goodrich
- Fred Gorrow (wounded)
- John C. Greenough
- Stephen T. Gregory, Army
- John S. Griswold
- Roy S. Gullicksen, Sr.
- Robert E. Gummer, Navy
- William A. Gummer, Navy
- W. Albert Gummer
- John Gutshaw, Army, HD
- Edward Guyette
- Fred Guyette (killed)
Peter H.S. Haase, Army, HD
Barbara P. Hale, Corporal
- Elbert Smith Hale (killed)
- Leon Hale
- Frank Hall
- Ralph H. Hall
- Raymond A. Hall† (wounded)
- William J. Hall
- Benjamin Hammond †
- Katherine Hammond
- David R. Hanning
- Arthur Hardy, Jr.
- Kyle C. Hardesty
- Louis Hare
- Cecil K. Harper
- Charles O. Harr
- JamesA. Harrigan
- Michael J. Harrigan, Jr.
- Ronald J. Harrigan
- Floyd C. Harris
- Wilder Harvey
- William A. Harvey
- William L. Harvey, Jr.
- Bruno S. Harwood
- Lyle Hathaway
- Reginald Hawley †
- Boyd Hayes
- Donald Hayes
- Gertrude M. Hayes
- Robert Hayes
- S. Curtis Hayes
- William L. Hayes †
- Harvey J. Hayward
- Roger Heath (wounded)
- John L. Helmer
- Patrick J. Hennessey
- William F. Hennessey †
- George E. Hesse
- John W. Hewitt, Army
- William G. Hewitt, Army
- Eugene J. Hickey
- Melvin Hill
- John Heagney
- Alfred F. Hoepfner
- Francis J, Hogan
- John Hogan
- Paul Hogan
- William Hogan
- Albert G. Homburger
- Albert H. Homburger
- John G. Homberger
- Nathaniel Horner
- Gifford Hosier
- Richard D. Hosier
- Clifford Hosler
- Julius R. Hosler, Jr.
- James F. Hough
- Kenneth E. Hough
- Kenneth Hough
- John A. Hourihan
- Margaret Hourihan †
- Thomas Howard
- Reginald A. Howley
- Florence Hoyt
- Ernest Hugg
- Philmore J. Hyde
- William C. Irwin
- Ralph J. Isabella
- Alberta Jabaut
- Edward H. Jabaut
- Edward M. Jacobi
- Jerome Jacobson
- George N. James
- Harold J. James
- Edwin M. Jameson
- Donald L. Janasak
- Clarence Jandrew
- Clarence D. Jandrew
- Andrew P. Janos
- Robert Jaquis
- Robert W. Jeffrey
- Francis Jesmer
- Robert Jesmer
- Richard H. Jewtraw
- Basil C. Johnson, Army
- Carl Johnson
- Dart Johnson
- Norman R. Johnson
- Sally Johnson
- Woodruff R. Johnson
- Kenneth Jones, Army
- Francis P. Jones
- Harry E. Jones
- Richard R. Jones
- Howard Jordan
- Vernon Jordan
- Ardle Joyce
- Edward Joyce
- Daniel W. Kaestle
- John Kalso
- Dustin Kaminsky †
- Dr. Ernest Keet
- Joseph Keith
- Joseph W. Keith
- Patrick E. Keith
- Ludwig A. Keller
- James Albert Kelley, Air Force (missing)
- Raymond Kelley
- James L. Kelly
- James R. Kelly
- Ralph Clarence Kelly
- Hugh L. Kelly (killed)
- Richard Kelly
- Paul F. Kennedy Jr.
- Carl J. Kenny
- Daniel Kenny
- Donald Kenny
- Michael Kenny
- William K. Kenny
- Claude I. Kent
- Harland E. Kent
- Charles Keough †
- Willis Kern
- Merton Kerr
- Charles Kilmer
- Leo F. King
- Earl P. Kinville
- Bernard Kitts †
- Carroll Kitts
- Ralph R. Klimer
- Eugene C. Klinger
- Donald E. Knapp
- John P. Knapp
- Joseph Knapp
- Francis R. Knight Jr.
- Jean Koemig, Wave
- Thaddeus J. Kokosinski
- Francis N. Kondilis
- Harold Kraus
- Robert H. Krieger
- Albert Kunath
- Frank Kunath
- Wayne Kyler, Army
- John Abe Labas
- Lawrence LaBounty
- William M. LaBounty, Marines
- Lawrence J. LaBrake, Army
- Leon LaBrake
- Francis LaBrake
- Lawrence F. Lachance
- Clarence Lamere (wounded)
- George LaMoy, Army
- Wilbur Eugene LaMoy, Jr.
- Edmund Lamy
- Eugenia Lamy
- James Lamy
- Jean Lamy
- John Lamy
- Leo R. Lamy
- Joseph Lancaster, Jr.
- RogerLancaster
- George H. Landry
- Albert Lange †
- James E. LaPan (wounded)
- Patsy G. Laraio
- Allen La Rock
- Oliver LaRose (killed)
- Raymond LaRose, Army
- Arthur Lashway, Jr.
- Leo Lashway
- Albert James Latour (killed)
- Jimmy Latour
- Gordon Latour
- Henry J.Latour
- Tuffield A. Latour
- Lawrence F. Lattrell
- Ruth H. Laundry
- Donald Lavair
- V. Earl LaVallee
- Charles Lavery
- Lyman Lawrence
- Francis W. Law
- William Lazore
- AllanLeahy
- Ronald Leahy
- Carlton L. LeBeau
- Ernest LeClair †
- Leonard D. LeClair, Jr.
- Harry O. Lee
- Henry P. Leis, Jr.
- George L. Leggett
- Arthur H. Lemcke
- Theodor Leon
- Robert A. Leonard
- Frederick R. Lesperance
- John Eugene Lester (killed)
- Raymond Frederick Lester
- Vaughn H. Lester
- Richard H. Levene
- Betty Jean Levitt
- Clayton Lewis (killed)
- Edward J. Lewis
- George Draper Lewis, Jr., Army
- Martin W. Lewis
- William A. Lewis
- Frank J. Lezak (wounded)
- Francis Ling
- William A. Lippacher
- Avery Liscomb
- Leon Stanley Liscomb (missing)
- Vincent Lobdell
- Dr. Esmond R. Long
- Kenneth Lovejoy
- Daniel Loewenthal
- Leo B. Lowenthal
- William B. Lusk Jr.
- Dean W. Lynch
- Leslie L. Lynch
- Winchester H. MacDowell
- Phelps Mace, Army
- Howard W. Mace
- Phelps F. Mace
- James MacIntyre
- Robert E.Mack
- Clarence Madden
- Edward Madden
- Richard Madden
- Glenn K. Magee
- Arthur O. Mahoney, Army
- Walter H. Malone
- William T. Mandell
- Walter E. Manley, Army
- George W. Manning
- John Manning
- Zeno Manning†
- Theadore Marden
- Orville E. Marello
- Russell H. Marshall
- John D. Martell
- Earl W. Martin
- Bernard R. Martin
- Gilbert Martin
- Harrison Martin
- Joseph Martin
- Leander J. Martin
- Earl W. Martin
- Gaylord B. Martin
- Francis Matthews
- Howard Matthews
- James A. Matthews (wounded)
- John F. Mathews
- John S. Mathews
- Walter Matthews
- Christy Mathewson, Jr.
- Harland L. Maxfield
- George Mayer
- Frank C. McAleer
- William E. McCabe
- Raymond B. McCarthy (wounded)
- James J. McCarthy †
- Cleophas McCasland
- Raymond McClure
- Robert McClure (wounded)
- Robert Wells McCrum (killed)
- Harvey L. McDonald
- Thomas A. McDonald
- Edward W. McDougal
- Gloria McFalls
- Robert McGarry, Army 1st. Sgt.
- Edward McGrath (killed)
- Donald McKillip †
- Francis J. McKillip †
- Larry McKillip
- Philip K. McKinney
- W. F. McKinney
- George McKittrich †
- Forest McKnight
- Dorothy M. McLaughlin
- Henry P. McLaughlin
- James F. McNicholas
- Mary McParland
- Roger B. Mead
- George G. Meade †
- Albert Meagher
- Arthur J. Meagher
- Thomas P. Meehan (wounded)
- Ferdinand D. Melvin
- John E. Melvin
- Arthur Menard
- Donald R. Merrill, KIA
- Edwin Merrill
- John T. Merritt
- Elizabeth H. Meury
- Hubert E. Miller (wounded)
- Hubert. G. Miller †
- Leo M. Miller
- William P. Miller
- Miller Milton†
- Claude E. Miner
- Gordon Miner (wounded)
- Joseph Miner
- Roland Miner
- Russell J. Minty
- Harold H. Montgomery
- Alfred A. Moody
- Alfred M. Moody
- Arthur A. M. Moody
- Donald E. Moody
- Howard P. Moody (wounded)
- John S. Moody
- Mace Moody
- Marshall Moody
- Maurice Moody (wounded)
- Robert Moody
- Wayne L. Moody
- John J. Mooney
- Alvin M. Moore
- Grace Moore
- Edward Morehouse
- Grace Moorehouse
- George Morency
- Louis L. Morency
- Forrest Morgan
- Jerry Morgan
- John E. Morgan
- Robert Morgan
- Thomas G. Morgan
- Carlton Morrow (killed)
- Daniel Morrow
- Harold Morrow
- James Morrow
- Kenneth L. Morrow (killed)
- Ralph Morrow
- Roy Morrow
- Vernon J. Morrow (wounded)
- Richard H. Morse
- William B. Mounsey, Army
- Richard H. Mounsey
- Dr. E. F. Mulflur † or Edward Mulflur
- William Mulflur †
- Bernard W. Mullen
- Helen D. Mullen
- William E. Mullen
- Clayton Muller
- Richard B. Mullen
- Francis Mullin
- John Mullin
- Raymond L. Muncil, Sr.
- Robert A. Muncil
- Joseph Munn
- Robert D. Munn
- Bernard Murphy †
- Hollis E. Murphy
- Dr. John Murphy
- Lawrence Murphy †
- Dr. Richard Murphy †
- Theodore K. Murphy
- Clarke L. Murray
- Arlington C. Myatt
- Carl Myatt
- Dart Myatt
- Erwin E. Myatt
- Herman Myatt
- Howard Myatt
- Myers Myatt
- Harvey C. Myers
- Robert Nadon
- John Navin
- Arthur J. Niederbuhl
- Robert J. Nelson
- Charles L. Neubauer †
- Ignatius J. Neubauer
- Louis Neubauer
- Jeff Newbold
- H. Lovell Newell
- Loren C. Newell
- Russell H. Newell
- Thomas G. Norgan
- James Norman †
- John Joseph Norman (wounded)
- Walter Norton
- William B. North, Jr. (killed)
- Edwin R. Noyes (killed) or Edwin Noyes †
- Guy R. Nutter
- Walter H. Nutter, Army
- Virginia Welles Nutter
- J. Richard O'Brien, Navy
- James O'Connor
- William O'Connor †
- John O'Reilly
- Angus M. Oddy
- John Duncan Oddy
- Nathaniel Thomas Oddy (wounded)
- Robert Oddy
- Charles Odell
- Stanley L. Ohmann
- William F. Ohmann
- William A. Oldfield
- Paul Oliva
- Frances L. Oliver
- Gerald J. Olyer
- Donald Olmstead
- Walter E. Olmstead
- Gerald J. Olyer
- Raymond E. Ormsby
- Edward Otis
- Joshua A. Otis
- Kenneth M. Otis
- Harold M. Otis, Army
- John Pachard, Army Medical
- Edward N. Packard, Jr. †
- George Palmer
- Charles William Pandolph, Sr.
- Thomas L. Pandolph
- Charles E. Park
- Thomas H. Parker
- Wallace Parmeter
- Hollis S. Parsons
- Delbert Papineau
- Francis Pasho
- John R. Pasho
- Robert Pasho
- Francis Pask
- Frederic Passino †
- Harry A. Passino
- Edgar F. Patnode
- Francis V. Patnode
- Harold Patnode
- Katherine Patnode
- Waldon O. Patnode
- Walter Patnode
- William Patnode
- George E. Paye
- Derwin Paye
- George Jr. Paye
- Lewis Paye
- Patrick Pearson †
- Lawrence J. Peck
- Walter C. Peer
- John Peightal
- Walter Peightal
- Francis G. Pelkey
- Leeward Pelkey
- Louis L. Pelkey
- Paul E. Pelkey
- Willis J. Pelkey
- Wilfred D. Perras
- Henry A. Perrino
- Leo H. Perry
- John Perry
- Joseph Perry †
- Carl H. Peters (wounded)
- George Petroutsos †
- Clarence Petty
- John J. Philips †
- Edward J. Pickreign
- Ernest Pickerign
- Gordon Pickreign (wounded)
- Leland Pickreign †
- Maynard Pickreign †
Elton G. Pinkman
- Hayward Plumadore (wounded)
- Louis O. Plumadore
- William Plumley
- Jack Porter (killed)
- David Potter
- Donald B. Potter
- F. Arthur Potter
- Donald F. Powers
- Robert L. Powers
- Kenneth Orland Pratt
- Nathan V. Pratt, Navy, HD
- Robert J. Pratt
- Theron T. Probert
- James V. Procopio
- Henry Provost
- Oliver Queior, Jr.
- Lawrence Quigley †
- Leo Quirk†
- Leo Rabideau
- George W. Ramsey
- Harold Ramsay
- Lloyd Ramsay
- Walter C. Ramsay
- Stephen F. Ransom
- Bernard M. Rascoe
- Gordon R. Rascoe
- Clarence Ratelle
- Francis Ratelle
- Joseph A. Ratelle
- Richard H. Rawdon
- William B. Reardon (killed)
- Leon R. Redwood
- Theodore J. Reichhart
- Benjamin E. Rieck
- Robert Reiss
- Thomas J. Reiss
- Lester E. Reome
- Charles E. Rex
- Charles Rex
- Dewitt Rex
- George Reynolds
- David A. Richardson
- Edward M. Riley
- Dr. Howard Ringler
- Kenneth G. Rivers
- Vernon F. Rivers (wounded)
- Bernard Roberts
- Francis Roberts
- Lawrence Roberts (killed)
- Paul F. Roberts
- Leland J. Robinson †
- Richard Robinson
- Paul Rochester
- John Rochrock
- Raymond Francis Rock
- Colin A. Rogers
- Harrington Rogers
- Lawrence Rogers
- Neil R. Rogers
- Philip Rogers
- Thomas L. Romeyn
- Robert Rondeau (wounded)
- William Root, Jr.
- Clarence Rork
- Philip J. Rork
- Gordon Roscoe †
- Joseph Rosenheim
- Bernard Ross †
- Cleon R. Ross
- Kenneth Ross
- Lawrence Rossean
- [August] Gus Rostan
- Joseph Rostan, Jr. (wounded)
- George H. Rottner
- Anthony Rovito
- A. John Rovito
- James J. Rovito
- Arthur P. Ruben
- Raymond V. Rushia (wounded)
- Cecil W. Rushlaw
- Cecil Rushlow (wounded)
- Carl J. Ryan
- Dennis L. Ryan
- Francis T. Ryan
- Glynn L. Ryan
- John P. Ryan
- John T. Ryan (missing)
- Joseph Ryan †
- Leonard Ryan †
- Lilian Ryan, USO
- Pauline Ryan
- Phillip Ryan
- Robert Ryan †
- Walter J. Ryan
- Percy J. Sadler
- Guy E. Salls (wounded)
- Leon H. Sarant (killed)
- F. Victor Saumier
- Lawrence Saumier
- Duane P. Sausville
- Glenster F. Sawyer
- Gordon R. Sawyer
- Howard L. Sawyer
- Charles M. Sayles, Army Master Sgt.
- Stanley E. Scarsella
- Paul G. Shaffer
- William G. Scheefer, Jr.
- Ingleton Schenck, Jr. (wounded)
- Henry Schwalenstocker
- Jay Schwartz, Army
- Frank Scinto
- Charles J. Scollin
- Michael Scollin †
- Raymond C. Scollin † (wounded)
- Dr. Leonard J. Seidenstein
- Carmen B. Seney
- Francis E. Seney
- Roger Seney (wounded)
- Allen Sennett
- Alexis Seymour †
- Francis Seymour †
- Leon Shanty
- Jeanne Shapiro
- Robert E. Shapiro
- Raymond E. Sharland
- Herb Shatraw
- Malcolm Shatraw, Army
- Stuart Shatraw, Navy
- James E. Shaw
- Cyrus E. Shelhamer † (wounded)
- Raymond Shelly
- Alton L. Shene
- Francis E. Shene
- Henry J. Shumway
- Joseph C. Shumway
- Preston Shumway
- Leonard N. Sidmore
- Philip M. Siebal †
- Mayroe E. Simpson
- Walter Simpson
- Alvin Skeels †
- Myron J. Skeels
- Francis Skiff
- Clayton A. Skiff
- Richard A. Skiff
- John Sklaryk
- John Slack, Army
- Gilbert Slater (killed)
- William Robert Slater (killed)
- Dana C. Smith (wounded)
- Ethel R. Smith
- John Smith †
- Peter Smith
- William J. Smith
- Elwood Snickles
- Francis J. Snyder
- Aldo L. Sorcinelli (killed)
- Frank N. Spaulding
- Francis Spencer (wounded)
- Harlan F. Sperry
- Harlan F. Sperry, Jr.
- Hubert A. St. John
- Raymond St. John
- Alston H. St. Louis
- Edward St. Louis
- Lloyd H. St. Louis
- Wilfred K. Stacey (wounded)
- Walter J. Stahl, Sr.
- Thomas N. Stainback, Army
- Robert H. Staples
- Andrew Stearns †
- Francis L. Stearns
- George Stearns †
- James Stearns †
- Robert Stearns †
- Rodney Stearns
- Walter B. Stearns
- Joseph Stefanic †
- Paul Stephen †
- Robert Stephenson
- William W. Stephenson
- David B. Stern
- Henry Stern
- Zelma Stern
- William L. Steven
- Hubert J. Stevens
- John C. Stewart
- Ellsworth Stickney, (Killed)
- Herbert Stickney
- John Stiegman
- Lloyd A. Stott
- Howard N. Strack
- Richard Strack †
- Bob Stringer
- Ernest H. Stringham
- Leroy Stringham
- Ralph Stringham
- Seaver Stringham
- Walter Stringham (killed)
- Kenneth C. Strough
- William Stunzi †
- Daniel V. Sullivan (killed)
- Daniel E. Sullivan
- John Sullivan †
Philip J. Sullivan
- Russell Sullivan †
- Andrew Svocak
- Arthur Swain
- Jay Swartz
- Archie J. Sweeney (killed)
- James E. Sweeney
- David P. Sweet
- George H. Sweet, Army
- Hardy E. Sweet
- Richard A. Sweet (killed)
- Archie Swinyer
- Friend E. Swinyer
- Harold Swinyer
- John Swinyer
- Kinsley N. Swinyer, Jr.
- Richard Swinyer (wounded)
- Lloyd J. Symonds
- John M. Taggart
- Wilbur F. Tagliabue
- Richard B. Talbert
- Hugo Tanzini †
- William Tanzini, Sr.
- Nick Tartaris
- Jack Taylor
- Joseph T. Taylor
- Joseph C. Tebo
- Alfred Tellstone
- Roland W. Thomas
- Alexis Thompson
- Donald Thompson
- Kenneth L. Thompson
- James E. Thornton
- Robert G. Thornton
- Richard T. Tiemey
- Henry J. Till
- Joseph Timmerman †
- William H. Titus
- John Patrick Tolbert
- Pershing J. Tormey
- Hayden C. Tormey
- Pershing Tormey
- R. Earle Towne
- Dean H. Towner
- Harry Traynor
- Lawrence G.Traynor
- Raymond Traynor (killed)
- Paul L. Tredo
- Kendrick E. Trim
- Oliver Trombley
- Zephy C. Trombley
- Dr. Francis B. Trudeau
- John Trummer
- Phillip H. Tucker
- Henry F. Tummons
- Peter Turgeon †
- Herman Tuthill
- Raymond Tuthill
- Clarence Tyler
- George A. Tyler
- Homer Tyler
- Hubert M. Tyler Jr.
- Leonard Tyler
- Martin A. Tyler
- Stanley O. Tyler
- Wayne O. Tyler
- Wesley C. Tyler
- Pascal Linwood Urgo, Jr. (missing)
- Francis Luis Valdez
- Bernard T. Vancour
- Edmund VanCour †
- Thomas VanCour
- Archie H. Van Nortwick (same as Harry Van Nortwick) † (wounded)
- Charles Van Nortwick
- Gordon Van Nortwick
- Harry Van Nortwick (same as Archie Van Nortwick) † (wounded)
- Robert Miles Van Nortwick, Sr., Army Air Force †
- William Van Nortwick, Jr.
- Vincent F. Van Yserloo
- Bernard Vancour
- Edmund Vancour
- Thomas B. Vancour
- Peter B. Vasil
- Alfred Nelson Vaughn, Jr. (killed)
- Raymond Villenuve
- Dr. Arthur J. Vorwald †
- Kenneth Walker
- Donald J. Walsh
Helen M. Walsh
- John Walsh
- William Walsh †
- Francis A. Walter †
- Ernest H. Walton
- Raymond J. Walton
- Charles A. Ward
- Charles E. Ward
- Daniel Ward (wounded)
- Thomas F. Ward
- Thomas P. Ward
- Arthur B. Wardner, Jr.
- Richard B. Wardner
- George Watkins
- Martin V. Watson
- Albert G. Webber
- Hyman Weiner
- Harold Wells
- Robert Wells
- George E. Wenke Air Force
- Lewis Wheat
- Robert H. Wheeler
- Lew Wheat
- Clarence White, Army
- Edward White
- James White
- George K. Whitman
- Leo R. Whitman (killed)
- Wilbur Whitman
- Charles G. Whitson, Army Tech 4
- James Whooley
- Ellwood G. Wilcox, Navy
- Red Wilcox
- Harold Wilkins †
- Richard N.Wilkins
- Cleve Wilkinson
- Ralph T.Wiles, Navy
- A. DouglasWillette
- Alfred Willette †
- Arthur P.Willette
- Paul Willette † (wounded)
Richard R. Willette
- Robert Willette (wounded)
- Edward Williams
- Irving Williams (wounded)
- Lloyd H. Williams
- Edward B.Williams
- Richard W. Williams
- Ruby Williams (Nurse)
- LloydWillis
- Millard Willis (killed)
- Richard I. Willis
- Thomas Willson
- Jack Wilson
- Lillian E. Wilson
- Norman D. Wilson, Army
- Orvile Wilson
- Wayne H. Wilson
- Stanley F. Wilson
- James J. Winch
- Frederick Windral †
- Elmer Wolff
- Francis Wolff
- Philip G. Wolff
- Ernest C. Wood
- Howard D. Wood
- John Wood
- Lawrence Wood
- Leo F. Wood
- Raymond M. Wood
- Russell B. Wood
- Walton Wood †
- Willis J. Wood
- W. Russell Woodruff
- William Woodruff
- Dr. Warriner Woodruff
- Lawrence Woods (killed)
- Edward J. Woodward, Sr.
- Charles M. Worden
- Don F. Worden
- Frederick Worden
- Robert L. Workman
- Stanley Worthington
- Kenneth Wright, Army
- William P. Wroten
- Carroll Yard
- James Wallace Yatagan (killed)
- Wilbur F. Yelle
- Freda M. Zerbe, Army Nurse (or Frieda Zerbe
- Harry A. Zerbe, Army
- Harry R. Zerbe
- Hilbert L. Zerbe
- Louis H. Zerbe, Army
- George Ziggs
- Adirondack Daily Enterprise, May 29, 1945 (reprinted, August 1994)
- St. Bernard's School paper, "The Clarion", Volume XII Christmas Number, c. 1943, copy courtesy of Howard Riley. Those soldiers listed as "adopted from the Parish Honor Roll to pray for" are marked with †, most likely the source of the information that they served. See Adirondack Daily Enterprise, January 26, 2013
Town of Brighton - Service Roll of Honor — World War II
* - Died in service
From The Brighton Story
See also
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, March 12, 1948
Suggests Making S.L. Model Village As Vet Memorial
The making of Saranac Lake into a model village, on the order of Williamsburg, Va., as a living memorial to veterans of World War II was advanced by Dr. Arthur Vorwald at a recent meeting of the board of directors of the Saranac Lake Chamber of Commerce.
Dr. Vorwald, pointing out that the New York state legislature is considering a memorial in some form to the veterans of this recent war, encouraged the Chamber to bring its suggestion before the body before another had been acted upon.
Pointing out that the Whiteface Memorial Highway, World War I memorial of the State, is not a living thing, the Navy veteran urged that a model village in the Adirondacks in honor of World War II veterans would be "a living memorial in the interests of peace."
That a project of this sort, supported by the State, would beautify the village is undeniable, he asserted. In addition, he gave three major appeals for a memorial of this type:
1. It would be a living memorial to the World War II veterans.
2. The memorial would be located in the center of the playground area of New York state, an area which the State is keenly interested in developing.
3. Being a health community, the veterans could come to improve their health as well as play.
Dr. Vorwald also pointed out that the suggestion, if accepted by the legislature, would place the second war's memorial near that of the first, so that they might compliment each other.
Williamsburg, located in Virginia, was restored to its original beauty during the late 30's by the private resources of the Rockefellers. It has since become a model village and an outstanding community in the drawing of tourist trade.
Dr. Vorwald, now director of research of Trudeau Foundation, was instrumental in the organization of the Saranac Lake Study and Craft Guild and during the recent war served with the U. S. Navy as a captain, chief of the medical sciences branch, Office of Naval Research.