Old Address: 9 Church Street
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Year built:
Other information: The Lennon Cottage appears on the Anti-Tuberculosis League Cottage List, operated by "Mrs. W. D. Lennon. Rates, $7 up."
Lake Placid News, January 23, 1914
Social Club project
It was reported at the meeting of the Board of Trade last week Wednesday that the Lennon cottage on Church street could be obtained for about $1600 a year, which included rent, light and heat etc. This would mean a payment of ten dollars apiece by 100 members. The Club if organized could lease the cottage for $100 a month. Five of the seven bed rooms of the building could be reserved for guests and visitors. An informal poll along Main street and Broadway had shown that fifty per cent were in favor of the Club, thirty opposed and twenty per cent doubtful or indifferent. After a considerable discussion 25 of the thirty men present signed a paper agreeing to join the Club if it should be organized.