The "morning after pill" or "Plan B" is the commonly-used name for the EC/emergency contraceptive pill (사후피임약).

There are several morning after pill brands available. Unlike over-the-counter oral contraceptives, the morning after pill requires a doctor's prescription. The easiest place to go for this prescription is a women's health clinic or ob-gyn. The prescription will be printed out, and can be filled at any pharmacy.

There are two kinds of EC pills available: a single pill that is taken as soon as possible, or two pills. For the two-pill system, follow the instructions on the packet, or ask the pharmacist.



You will have to go to a doctor for the prescription. This should cost around 10,000 won with national health insurance. However, due to medical records being easily accessible by employers, you may want to keep this visit away from your employer-provided insurance plan.

After getting the prescription, you can get it filled at any pharmacy. The pill costs between 15,000 - 21,000 won. The pharmacist may insist that you swallow the pill immediately, under their watch. You may as well.