November 2014, by Jay Freeman (CC BY-SA)

50 club (from here)

Study Hall is one of the two bars in IV (Dublin's is the other one). It's connected to Kaptain's Firehouse BBQ.

For a long time Study Hall had a somewhat infamous "50 Club", which would give a party and free stuff (and a spot on a plaque) to people who visited Study Hall 50 times during spring quarter. In 2010 the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control shut down the 50 Club "on grounds of violating Section 106 of the California Code of Regulation, which prohibits any ABC licensee from giving away anything of value...Baham said the The Study Hall’s punishment included a 15-day suspension, a complete stop to the 50 Club promotion and probation for one year." Study Hall replaced that promotion with the Spring Benefit Club, a donation drive for a local nonprofit.

A photo of Study Hall in 2005, with a bigger sign.

Contact Information

6543 Pardall Road
(805) 685-0929