Needs more information such as building and room number, hours open, presence of electrical outlets, how many seats available, size of tables, lighting, air conditioning, free or reserved, etc.

SRB - student centers, outdoor patio, third floor patio, first floor common area, second floor meeting room, second floor EOP lobby, third floor common area, CLAS math science dropin, CLAS rooms, CLAS learning centers (2), MPR

Music Library - There are perhaps quieter libraries to study in on campus, such as the Music Library next to the UCen bike racks. Filled entirely with music-related books, microforms, videos, and much more, students rarely venture into this space. The entrance to the Music Library is hidden among more popular spots such as Lotte Lehmann Concert Hall and the Music Bowl, a miniature outdoor amphitheater home to performers from around the world. (the bottom line)

HSSB - Most students visit HSSB to attend section discussions and visit professors’ offices, but a small part of the student body uses classrooms on the lower floors at night. Maintenance locks the doors later on in the night, which allows for many to stay in until a reasonable hour. (the bottom line)

Main Library

UCEN third floor - Laptop lab on the 3rd floor with 30 spaces and several small study rooms brings total seats to 350, vending machines, and increased electrical outlets throughout.