Local street art


Street art in the Bay and Basin area can be found near the Sanctuary Point shops, and in and around Huskisson.


Sanctuary Point, Football oval (behind shops).


Meaning: Unknown.

Artist: Unknown.

Where it is: This street art is located in Santuary Point on the toilet block, behind the shops.

How long has it been around:  Unknown.




Huskisson Primary School

Meaning: The meaning is unknown, but the title is 'Food gathering'.

Artist: Theresa Ardler.

Where it is: This street art is located on a wall at the Huskisson Primary School.

How long has it been around:  This artwork has been around since 1998.




Lady Denman

Meaning: This artwork is of a South Coast Goanna, it's meaning is unknown.

Artist: J. Murray

Where it is: This artwork is located at the Lady Denman in Huskisson.

How long has it been around: This artwork has been around since 2007.





Meaning: Unknown.

Artist: Reggie Ryan and Chris Webb.

Where it is: The artwork is on the wall of the Lady Denman.

How long has it been around: This artwork has been around since 1987.




Meaning: Unknown, but is tagging not street art.

Artist: Unknown.

Where it is: Huskisson, behind the tennis court,

How long has it been around: Unknown.


If you find any street art, please photograph and upload!