You have to be 18 to drink alcohol.
In addition to the many pubs Liverpool has a local beer, made at Cains brewery on the road that goes all the way down to the dock. It's built on an industrial estate. There are brown tourist signs for it. Tours are available seven days a week.
You should visit these pubs for a real taste of Liverpool:
- Peter Kavangah's - At Peter K's, (originally his own Victorian house), you will be greeted by a menagerie of assorted curios from far and wide over the centuries. Home to proper locals, this is a real taste of the city. The beer is always spot-on as is the service. The roaring log fires are inviting in winter. Frazzles the dog, (as we've come to call him), is everyone's mate if you give him some crisps purchased at the pub. Dogs are most welcome here. On Hollywood director Quentin Tarentino's visit to the city to premier his new film 'Death proof', at FACT, he was taken here. On leaving the premises he caught a lift back to his hotel on the waterfront by flagging down a bin lorry!
the dispensary is a pub