There are numerous entertaining activites to divulge in when in Livepool.
If you enjoy comedy- check out 'Rawhide' comedy night at the royal court theatre on Wednesdays. (near st.johns shopping market)
At only three squid in it's a bargain- 8.30pm- 'a barrel of laughs!!' and a 'cheap and entertaining night out'.
If you are into your live comedy you can also check out Mellow Mellow on thursday evenings at 7.30pm onwards.
They are currently hosting a live improv night. Based on the 'whose line is it anyway?' format, the whole thing is improv, random and completely hillarious. The night is ususally free, sometimes a donation is required- oh and it's bring your own booze- always good!!
Support local talent- come on down!!
Urbeatz! KOF. Yaw & Joel Hip Hop and Film Makers
Nicole from Wigan says...: "i really enjoyed the Urbeatz workshop, making and recording Rap music about our individuality!
Come down to FACT and see the showcase event of MESH Culture by Urbeatz - there will be a chance to hear the music that was made today, as well as a short documentary on individuality, photography and live hip hop performance by the artist KOF. AND! The chance to find out how you can get involved in making music and film with Urbeatz,
The showcase takes place Friday 22 May between 6pm and 8pm - all guest welcome to this FREE event!