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Use these videos and presentations for inspiration, show them during your events, or add some more here!
Reid Serozi (from the Raleigh LocalWiki) giving a short talk about how LocalWiki is different from Wikipedia:
Here's a video of Mike and Philip at UC Berkeley's School of Journalism talking about the history of the DavisWiki and the LocalWiki project:
Here's a video from the eChicago conference in April of 2012 (video quality choppy, please pardon):
2013-10-13 Marina Kukso Skype presentation for students in the Community Informatics class at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Graduate School of Library. Part of the class involves updating the Urbana-Champaign LocalWiki. (This will primarily be of interest for people who are working on LocalWiki in their community as the presentation was for a group of students who are working on building out LocalWiki in Urbana-Champaign.)