- http://us-city.census.okfn.org/place/miami - Miami participated in the US City Open Data Census project and a group of local residents did a survey of whether Miami-Dade has 18 of the most commonly requested data sets on a federal level.
- http://oada.dadeschools.net/StudentMembership/Membership.asp - Membership data in Excel format of Miami-Dade County Schools
Miami-Dade County Open Data Portal
- https://opendata.miamidade.gov/ - Varying data sets like 311 (service requests), employee salaries, building permitting activity and GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
- http://gis.mdc.opendata.arcgis.com/ - GIS available by the county
City of Miami Open Data Portal
- http://lmgtdfy.usopendata.org/miamigov.com/ - Various data sets including budget, community development and capital improvements.
- https://gist.github.com/ErnieAtLYD/8413816 - All DecoBike locations on Miami Beach, as an XML file that was to be read by the Google Maps Javascript API. Hidden behind a web app. Data taken from the public url: http://www.decobike.com/playmoves.xml (URL still valid as of March 2014)
- http://citibikemiami.com/downtown-miami-locations.xml - CitiBike locations for the city of Miami.
https://www3.dot.state.fl.us/unifiedbasemaprepository/ - The Florida Unified Roadway Basemap Initiative was conceived ... to develop a standard, comprehensive transportation network that could be used throughout the State, shared across jurisdictional boundaries, through multi‐agency involvement and coordination.
Datasets available/created by Code for Miami
- https://github.com/Code-for-Miami/Miami-2014-LBT-Receipts - Raw data of the 2013 Miami-Dade Local Business Tax Data
- https://github.com/Code-for-Miami/mdt-lbt-api - That same as above, but with an REST API created by volunteers
Datasets available from National Day of Civic Hacking 2013
- Datasets from National Day of Civic Hacking
- http://miamidade.gov/wps/portal/Main/311trends
- https://gisweb.miamidade.gov/ArcGIS/rest/services/ServStat/MapServer/0
- https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/941889/CensusTracts.csv
- http://www.miamidade.gov/transit/googletransit/current/google_transit.zip - "Data published by Miami-Dade Transit in GTFS format for developers to use. They contain scheduled times, stop locations, route information and optionally fare information and detailed route shapes." (via)
EPA Safe Drinking Water Challenge QuickStart Guide.docx - "Scenario: (1) learn if your water system is in violation (many are), (2) learn what health risks contamination poses, and (3) engage your local government on the issue. [...] I'm attaching a draft version of a Quick Start guide for our challenge. It gives more detail on the data tables, data elements, and includes sample API calls for Safe Drinking Water Data. The idea was for developers to be able to browse this document to see if they really want to use the data, rather than have to do a lot of additional digging."
"I am awaiting more details on this 2010 census data (waiting on meanings of column abbreviations & units for the numbers in each column). Each point in this file has a lat/long as well as demographic, social and transit info associated with it. I would recommend that participants first work with the lat/long columns so they know where the data is geographically located (columns K & L and the 10 at the end of a column headed refers to the census year 2010).
The remaining columns of interest for coding would be M-AW and BI-BO. I should have more details on these columns next week. Also, some columns in decimal format are percentages and others are in dollars."