Bloor Street is a major collector street running from Central Parkway East in the west and continuing east into Toronto.
Residential uses line the whole length of this street, with low density west of Tomken Road and apartments east of it. For most of its length, buildings front directly onto the street, and it is one of the few suburban streets in Mississauga to have mid-block pedestrian crossovers. High Point Mall, filled with Asian businesses, is located at the intersection with Dixie Road.
Bloor Street, then known as Bloor Street East, was built in sections together with development of the lands around it, starting in the 1950s. The section just east of Cawthra Road was built first. Around 1970, it was connected to the newly-constructed Central Parkway, and renamed Bloor Street.
In November 2009, a cyclist riding westbound near Riverspray Crescent was struck and killed by two cars; Mississauga's first ghost bike was erected at the site of the collision.
For a list of other roads, streets, avenues etc... see Mississauga Street Index