Buffalo, New York
About Buffalo
Buffalo, New York , is the closest major U.S. city to Mississauga.
The Buffalo Wiki
The Buffalo Wiki, dubbed BufWiki, began in late 2008 and topped 700 pages during the first week of October, 2009. BufWiki has a demonstration and promotional user affectionately known as BuffaloBobWiki; you can visit or follow him as BuffaloBobWiki on Twitter, to see what is happening on BufWiki.
Link to BufWiki pages directly using the syntax
[wiki:Buffalo:Page_Name_on_BufWiki Link Text]
- Front_Page, Home - The Home Page for unregistered and registered users.
- Buffalo - the main page about Buffalo, NY
- Buffalo Twitter Resources - for finding and following Buffalo related Tweeting
Travel to Buffalo by taking the Queen Elizabeth Way out of the city all the way to the U.S. border and crossing one of the three bridges along the Niagara River.
From the U.S. side of the border, Buffalo is a short drive south from Niagara Falls, New York.