Location |
6085 Creditview, Mississauga |
This Dry Cleaning store is located in the neighbourhood of Streetsville |
Hours |
Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 7 pm Saturday 9am to 5pm Sunday - Closed |
Phone |
(905) 858-2347 |
Website |
http://www.example.com |
Owner(s) |
(Names of owners/proprietors here) |
Established |
(Date, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD) |
Payment Method |
Debt Master card Visa
Then, put whatever you want down here! Note that http://local.google.com is sometimes a good and easy place to find times/phone. Better yet, look them up in the phone book, and ask them. Remove the fields you don't fill out — or even better, look up or call them for the missing information!