1819 Derry West 1973
This is the site of the original hurontario church (Anglican) in 1822 Joseph Carter received a crown grant for 200 acres, Lot 1; conc.1; W.H.S., Toronto TWP. On this portion he built a small log church which opened July 1827
The corner stone was christened by whiskey bought from the hotel across the road. Bishop Strachan said, "I heard that this church was begun in dunkeness and ribaldry", so he refused carter holy orders. Carter, broken-hearted, sold the farm to wm. orr, reserving the 1/2 acre on which the church sat, deeding it to the church of england.
In 1843 a mud brick replaced the old church and opposite a small rough cast presbyterian church was built.
Derry west was named by George Graham to honour his fore-fathers who fought at Londonderry, Ireland.
Derry west had the first post office in Peel County in 1826.
No 10 L.O.L. built their hall west of the corner (originof derry west district lodge).
Beside the cemetary stood the small brick armouries used at the time of the Fenian Raids (1865).
Taverns, a temperance hall, blacksmith, shoemaker and carpenter shops with horse sheds made up derry west in 1857 with a population of 100.
Through the years there have been three schools here.
In 1867 Derry West was swept with fire, little remained and the small hamlet never regained the former prominence of those early years.
Erected by Derry West Women's Institute and the community.
See Historical Plaques for other plaques in Mississauga