Location |
78 William Street |
Mississauga, ON. |
L5M 1J3 |
Contact |
Phone: 905.828.0987 |
Fax: 905.828.0983 |
Web |
http://www.habitatmississauga.ca |
Mission Statement |
To mobilize volunteers and community partners in building affordable housing |
and promoting homeownership as a means to breaking the cycle of poverty. |
Founded in 2005, Habitat for Humanity Mississauga (HFHM) is one of 72 Habitat for Humanity affiliates within Canada, and is part of Habitat for Humanity International, a worldwide network of affiliates that spans 93 countries, has built over 300,000 homes, and is now building a new home every ten minutes. There is a desperate need in Mississauga for safe, decent and affordable housing - yet there are over 14,000 families on a 21 year waiting list for public housing.
HFHM provides a ‘hand up’, not a ‘hand out’. Selected Partner Families must invest in their home by volunteering 500 hours of ‘sweat equity’ with Habitat for Humanity. The families that the organization helps are living below the poverty line, yet earning an income that allows them to repay an interest free mortgage on an affordable home. They have helped two families already and hope to help many more with the launch of the Mississauga ReStore in the Fall of 2011.
See Volunteer for more opportunities to give back to the community.