Location 1550 South Gateway Road, Unit 213 Mississauga ON L4W 5G6
Tel: (905) 625-MCBA (6222) Fax: (905) 625-6225
Website http://www.mcba-canada.com
Description Describe Mississauga Chinese Business Association (MCBA) here...
Association Goals *
- To serve as the voice of Chinese business community in Mississauga
- To promote a society and economy based on private enterprise and concern for the individual
- To initiate and respond to legislation affecting members of the Associations and Chinese Canadian business community
- To provide a forum for the Chinese business community to develop opinions and programs which contribute to the social, economic, and moral welfare of the Mississauga community
- To facility business and social contact among members
- To communicate information on the subjects of interest to members
- To liaise and co-operate with other organizations in Canada or elsewhere which have objectives similar in whole or in part of the Association
*Source From MCBA website http://www.mcba-canada.com/?pageid=about%20us&pid=association%20goals