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Can you guess this one?
2008-12-26 10:57:31 I don't know where this was taken. It does look like s silhouette of a Buddhist monk sitting with legs cross meditating though! —HimySyed
2009-04-13 10:43:06 The alphabets suggests maybe in front of a library?? or in front of arts centre or theatre?? —HimySyed
2009-08-06 22:12:14 Mississauga Road —AlanForde
2009-08-27 12:18:50 Erin Mills Parkway - South of Dundas ?? —AlanForde
2009-10-25 10:41:40 back of the fire station on Lushes Avenue (road?)? —AlanForde
2009-12-09 21:58:00 the Valleys arena, south side, tich east. —AlanForde
2010-03-04 12:26:07 My Guess is Huron Park Commmunity Centre (Near Mavis & Paisley)?? Vaguely remember seeing something like this there. —bobabe
2010-05-01 20:03:54 Front Street facing north from Lakeshore Road? —VictorBielawski
2010-05-09 08:50:35 One of the QEW service roads west of Cawthra, methinks. Not sure of the exact location. —VictorBielawski
2010-05-16 12:12:34 I'll say North Service Road opposite Aiyn Court. —VictorBielawski
2010-05-21 10:47:01 Mississauga's only ghost bike, as far as I'm aware, at Bloor Street East and Riverspray Crescent. —VictorBielawski
2010-08-28 14:33:56 If I'm not mistaken it's the Elliott House restaurant on Kennedy Road north of Matheson Boulevard —VictorBielawski
2010-08-30 10:18:42 "The Great Staircase" at City Hall —VictorBielawski
2011-04-17 11:57:43 This looks like the Mississauga Road underpass in Port Credit —VictorBielawski
2011-06-27 12:55:07 New crosswalk at Duke of York and City Centre —VictorBielawski
2011-07-27 12:58:48 I could be completely wrong, but this looks kind of like the boardwalk at Riverwood leading to the Culham Trail. —VictorBielawski
2011-08-09 09:41:22 in front of Mario's BBQ Grill & Takeout,90 Dundas Street East —CharronLeBuis
2011-08-30 13:37:55 Courtyard at City Gate? —VictorBielawski
2011-12-29 16:11:32 Looks like the Cancer Survivors Park at Credit Valley Hospital —VictorBielawski
2012-01-27 09:21:47 Pearson International Airport Skytrain —PaulCarriere
2012-03-06 08:53:49 Archway on Square One Drive, between Chicago and Limelight condos —VictorBielawski
2012-04-20 13:03:21 Mississauga Road north of Eglinton maybe? —VictorBielawski
2012-04-30 14:00:14 Stanford Farm ruins, converted into a park —VictorBielawski
2012-07-31 14:02:28 Gymnastics Mississauga equipment at the Hershey Centre? —VictorBielawski
2012-08-06 17:16:55 Looks like the daycare at Cawthra/Dundas (forgot the actual name) —VictorBielawski
2012-10-09 15:32:44 Bench in Sheridan College hallway? —VictorBielawski
2012-11-09 17:49:37 New cafe in city hall —ChrisHorobin
2012-11-17 09:16:03 New garden terrace at Riverwood maybe? —VictorBielawski