The name "Glen Erin Brook", used officially for the drain running under the Glen Erin Trail, is also sometimes used for this stream.
The West Sawmill Creek is a short stream that starts in the backyards of Remea Court and flows into Sawmill Creek shortly before Erin Mills Parkway. There is a paved trail along it that connects to the Sawmill Creek trail.
The West Sawmill Creek used to continue further north to the present-day intersection of Artesian Drive and Half Moon Grove, with its headwaters reaching as far as the Marco Muzzo Memorial Woods and Park. In the mid 1970s, with the development of Erin Mills, this was cut off from the lower part with a berm and diverted underground, emerging into Sawmill Creek at its Folkway Drive crossing. The retained part between Folkway and Glen Erin was also rebuilt into a pipe and ditch design, similar to Mary Fix Creek between Highway 403 and Central Parkway.
The development of Central Erin Mills and Churchill Meadows also brought major changes to the upper reach, with the tributaries levelled out and replaced with street drainage. Starting in 2002, three stormwater ponds were built in the remaining ravine, and outside of these ponds the water now flows underground.