What do you know about Grass replacement for ground cover?

Thanx to all that replied. I’ve put a copy of this email on our wiki for future reference.

i basically received suggestions for the following: 4 plant varieties and a few suggestions for artificial turf. Note that for artificial turf, i probably got as many objections (gets hot on hot days, outgassing) as suggestions. I also received a suggestion to put up sun sails and/or to plant shade trees; however, i consider the full sun a plus and thus ruled these out. Here are the plant varieties recommended (in most frequent recommendation first):


vinca mina

Creeping red Thyme

Also note, i haven’t yet looked at any of these in a nursery to see which I’d prefer nor to get any price or availability estimates.


On May 31, 2021, at 2:48 PM, Ken Victor <[email protected]> wrote:
I have a swath in my backyard, roughly 15’ x 45’ that gets direct sun all day long, and it’s in terribly shape, mostly crabgrass and other weeds and some grass. i would like to replant with something that meets as many of the folllowing criteria (in order):A) can be comfortably walked on in bare feet (a MUST)B) looks reasonably nice (very subjective, i know)C) doesn’t use gobs and gobs of water (but i do have a twice weekly sprinkler system)D) is California native.The only things i can think of are grass or baby tears. Grass doesn’t seem to do that well (i’ve tried several times over the years) due to the all day direct sun and i think a lot of clay in the soil and possibly because of dead tree roots from past trees around the perimeter. Baby tears just don’t do well in full all day sun.
I am wiling to completely till the soil and conditioning it as necessary.
Any suggestions?
Thanx,Ken (on Thaddeus Drive)