IP addresses essentially are the return addresses for all computers connected to networks. There are private IP addresses — which are like internal phone extensions — and external or public IP addresses, which are like regular phone numbers. This page will serve as a compilation of all IP ranges and particular addresses of interest. We will try to log and publicly display the IP addresses of all users. This helps track vandalism and fake accounts. If you would like  to remain anonymous, you might consider not using your RealName. In this case, it would also be a good idea not to log into Wiki from your home computer. local coffee shops and eateries have public domains with public IP addresses. Anonymous users should log into Wiki from public spaces as such.

 A full, in-depth technical explanation of IP Addresses can be found at Wikipedia.

To view a user's IP address, just hover over any username you see in Recent changes to display the poster’s IP address in the title tooltip.