2015 is a budget year for Oakland. (The budget will be for 2015-2017.) There is a lot going on including cool civic engagement. Add stuff here.
Ways to get involved are detailed below, but you can also:
- Email your comments or suggestions to [email protected]
- Leave a voice message on the budget hotline at (510) 238-4995
- Join the online community conversation, including surveys and forums, atwww.SpeakUpOakland.com
- Tweet using #oakbudget
Last year: City Economic and Fiscal Overview Presented on December 4, 2014
- ACity Council Budget Workshop Presentation Presented on January 28, 2015
- This is the City of Oakland official budget page.
- This is the proposed budget by Mayor Libby Schaaf. This is a summary and includes the "calendar." This document includes the budget priorities as outlined by Mayor Schaaf. This is the 8 page cover letter (slightly shorter than the 200+ page budget).
- This is a video of Mayor Schaaf explaining the budget process.
- This is a video of Mayor Schaaf explaining one-time versus ongoing funds as well as restricted and unrestricted funds
- At the bottom of this page, you can see each City Council Member's budget priorities (if they've filled them out)
- In March, 2015 the results of a survey of residents on priorities was given to City Council
- April 30th: The Mayor will host a community meeting "Budget Release Party"
- May 5th: Mayor Schaaf and the City Administrator present the proposed budget to City Council
- May 1-May 30th: Community Budget Forums to hear public input regarding the proposed budget-balancing measures, hear from neighborhoods across the city what their funding priorities are, and answer questions. (Find one by map here)
- FY 2015-17 Budget Questions Responses #1 from the City Administrator to the City Council and public
- FY 2015-2017 Budget Questions Responses #2 from the City Administrator to the City Council and public
- FY 2015-2017 Budget Questions Responses #3 from the City Administrator to the City Council and public
- FY 2015-2017 Budget Questions Responses #4 from the City Administrator to the City Council and public
- FY 2015-2017 Budget Questions Responses #5 from the City Administrator to the City Council and public
- Lynette Gibson McElhaney's budget letter is here. Her proposed amendments are here.
- Desley Brooks immediately responded in her newsletter saying this proposal underfunds the new Department of Race and Equity
- May-June: Formal City Council budget hearings to deliberate and reach final decisions. Dates and times to be announced upon Rules Committee action.
- June 30: Final adoption of the budget by City Council, as required by the City Charter
On Tuesday, June 30, the Oakland City Council approved a $2.4 billion two-year budget for fiscal years 2015-2017. The budget closes an estimated $18 million annual funding gap without making any cuts to City services or staffing levels. The adopted budget includes funding for 40 new police officers, $1 million to fund new Special Investigations to reduce gun violence and $617,000 to create a new Race and Equity Department and equity agenda. Following the release of a proposed budget by Mayor Libby Schaaf on April 30, a series of Community Budget Forums were held to gather input from Oakland residents and business owners. For those who were unable to attend one of the forums additional engagement options allowed the public to provide input by email, phone, online or mail. Council President Gibson McElhaney proposed the final budget amendments, which were developed through careful analysis of Mayor Schaaf’s proposal, as well as enhancements proposed by members of the public and fellow City Councilmembers. To view information on the budget engagement process, including fact sheets, informational videos and rosters of forums and Budget Hearings, please visit www.oaklandnet.com/15-17budget. To learn some of the key highlights of the adopted budget, please read the media release at http://www2.oaklandnet.com/w/oak053848.