CC SA-BY Our Oakland
There's a lovely Victorian at 3148 Fruitvale. Zillow, relying on data from the Alameda County Assessor's Office, mistakenly says it was built in 1906, and also suggests it's been divided into apartments.
What else can we find about it?
- Oakland's GIS and historic resources info lists a construction date of 1890s (src).
- It's legally defined as Lot 17, of Block D of the Corrected Map of the Subdivision of Blocks D and E of the Champion Tract Fruitvale, (etc.) 3148 Fruitvale legal description.jpg Corrected Map - Blocks D and E Champion Tract.jpg
- The property went through a number of transactions in the 1890s, perhaps only conveying partial interests, and then was acquired by Lester A. Pelton through a foreclosure of a $2550 mortgage in 1897 and/or 1898. (src1 / src2)
- The 1912 Sanborn shows an earlier address of 3126 Fruitvale
- c.1907-1912, C.H. Randall ran Randall Real Estate Company there; it was also home to William H. Randall (src)
- in 1928, Walter C. Bartlett, with the Post-Enquirer lived there (src)
- in 1931-32, Emil Carston Peterson, an undergraduate at UC Berkeley lived there (src)
- in 1940, Emil Petersen, age 26, (likely same as above) was living there with his parents Peter C. Petersen, age 65 and Emily Petersen, age 48 (src). Peter was working as a night watchman for the National Park Service