"My taste for Oakland is omnivorous." - mk30
"Should we read some recent changes to you to get you going?" -mk30 to mike encouraging him to get motivated for an Oakland Nights Live performance.
Activity Addiction (AA) (formerly known as Recent Changes Addiction or RCA) is a malady of the active Oaklandwikian. It is characterized by a constant desire to see what changes have been made across the wiki, most often satisfied (albeit temporarily) by clicking the "Activity" button (which, until the recent transfer of Oakland Wiki to the Local Wiki site, was the "Recent Changes" button) at the top of the screen.
This Feed no longer seems to exist ==> "So of course I had to go and hunt down the Recent Changes page RSS Feed . . . " - HiMY SYeD
- A worn down refresh button
- Having "Activity" as your homepage
- Having multiple Activity tabs open on your browser at different levels of having scrolled down because "you'll get to the rest of the Activity later"
- Severe tagaddism
- Insatiable curiosity
- Nerdiness
- Paying work being put aside in order to stay up to date on the Activity.
- Same, if not healthier, euphoria ( editphoria? ) experienced by people when hitting refresh button on Twitter
Oakland Wiki fanaticism. Extreme gratification received from being part of a community of Oakland Wiki editors and lovers of Oakland.
AA is not yet endemic to Oakland, although in dreams of dreams, it will be one day. The global burden of AA is not yet known, although it seems likely that the burden is on the rise given LocalWiki's spread. The first wiki has the same affliction which they call Recent Changes Junkie.