Housing is described as "affordable" if it costs no more than 30 percent of total income, according to the East Bay Housing Organizations. What policy makers call "affordable housing" is priced for those earning 30  percent of Area Median Income (extremely low income), 50 percent of AMI (very low income) or 80 percent of AMI (low income).

The 2014 Area Median Income for a family of four in Oakland was $93,500, according to the city. For a single person, the AMI was $65,450.

This map shows affordable rental housing projects built or rehabilitated by nonprofit and for-profit developers in Oakland. It does not include ownership projects (Habitat for Humanity), transitional housing, group homes, shelters or scattered individual units. It does not include public housing units owned and managed by the Oakland Housing Authority, unless those projects were done in partnership with a nonprofit developer.

Listed projects may be limited to seniors or people with special needs, and they may not be accepting applications for tenancy. Residential hotels (SRO) may not be appropriate for families. The city offers help in finding affordable housing.

This data is from the Oakland Community and Economic Development Agency, March 17, 2015.


If you're not sure how much rent you are able to afford, try using a rent calculator like this one to help with planning:AL Rent Calculator