Alaysha Carradine Alaysha Carradine was an 8-year-old girl shot and killed on July 17, 2013 in the 3400 block of Wilson in the Dimond neighborhood.
Alaysha was having a sleepover at her friend's house and someone shot through the door and killed her, wounded her 7-year-old best friend, the friend's grandmother and 4-year-old brother.
There were few leads on the case. A suspect ad was released in September. SAVE held a stand-in for Alaysha on September 28th.
Alaysha's friends called her "Ladybug."
Oakland police said Tuesday they arrested two people in connection with the death of an 8-year-old girl killed at a sleepover this summer, and revealed the alleged suspects are part of a street gamg linked to at least one other homicide in Berkeley.
At a heavily attended news conference, authorities said Darnell Williams, 22, of Oakland was among those arrested, and police linked him to a separate Berkeley homicide of Anthony Madeiros, where a 7-year-old was injured.
Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O'Malley said Williams is a convicted felon and a gang member, who pulled the trigger the night of July 17 in Oakland in the 400 block of Wilson Avenue when 8-year-old Alaysha Carradine was killed at a sleepover, and her two young friends and a grandmother were injured.
Authorities said that Alaysha and the others were not intended targets, but part of a gang retaliation binge, though specifics on why Williams was allegedly at the apartment where Alaysha was staying was not made clear. O'Malley did say that Williams wanted to allegedly kill someone at that apartment, but she declined to say who. At the time, NBC Bay Area spoke to the only other person at the apartment where Alaysha was staying - Khamel Hardin, 22, whose niece and nephew were injured. Hardin's name did not come up during the news conference.
Also arrested in connection with Alaysha's death is a woman named Laquana Nuno, O'Malley said. A third person, Joseph Carol, 27, of Oakland was arrested in connection with the Berkeley homicide. All three are expected to be arraigned Thursday afternoon. One of the suspects was tracked down to Harris County, Texas.
Aside from O'Malley, Oakland Police Assistant Chief Paul Figueroa, Chief of the Bureau of Investigations Department of Justice Kent Shaw and Mayor Jean Quan spoke at the news conference.
MORE: "It's Heartbreaking, She Was Such a Sweet Girl"
Figueroa called the shooting of Alaysha "despicable," and that he hoped these arrests would bring "some justice to such a tragic" situation.
In September, police released a sketch of a possible suspect, described as an African-American between 17 and 24 years old, standing 5’7, weighing 160, and having a thin, dark mustache. He was wearing a black hooded jacket and blue jeans. A police officer at the news conference said Williams matches the description.
Alaysha's death shocked the community and beyond because of her age, and because of the brazen attack at a sleepover where other children were staying. Alaysha was sleeping over at a friend's house when she was gunned down just after 11 p.m. after she opened the door and was met with a barrage of bullets. Alaysha, who her family called "Ladybug," earned the dubious distinction of becoming Oakland's 54th homicide victim this year.
Alaysha's 7-year-old friend, her 4-year-old brother and their 63-year-old grandmother, Clara Fields, were also struck by bullets, but all three recovered from the shooting.
Also on Tuesday, Quan's office said the city of Oakland set up a memorial fund for the families of four shooting victims.
IF YOU'RE INTERESTED: Anyone who would like to help the families can drop off or mail checks to the Oakland City Center Wells Fargo located at 1221 Broadway, Oakland CA 94612. They can also walk into any Wells Fargo to drop off donations. Checks can be made out to the Antoine and Amara and Clara Fields Memorial Fund to support the York family. Checks to support the Carradine family can be made out to the Alaysha Carradine Memorial Fund. 1
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