On May 10th & 11th 2014 American Steel Studios is hosting open studios and demos and talks by their artists in an event called Art + Industry 2014.

The website says:

"American Steel’s annual member exhibition and open studios returns with two- and three- dimensional works including painting, photography, sculpture, costume and fashion design and jewelry. The exhibit spills over into the American Steel Studios warehouse and the grounds outside where fire art and large scale sculpture will be on exhibit.

More than just open studios, this event features live demonstrations and talks from the artists, who are building, creating, designing and fabricating some of the most unique and innovative art, installations and fixtures ever to be seen. American Steel Studio’s unique combination of industrial and technical work space brings about a stellar demographic of creatives, incorporating a wide range of disciplines."

Artists in the event

(from the event site)

Confirmed participating artists and businesses:

Ed Acosta
Ardent Heavy Industries | http://ardentheavyindustries.com/
Latisha Baker | http://www.latishabakerartworks.com/
Doug Blanc | http://www.facebook.com/no2graphics
David M. Bowman Studio | http://davidmbowman.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/DavidMBowmanStudio
Stephen Bruce | http://stephenbstudios.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stephen-B-Studios/152253588452
Todd Cooper
Karen Cusolito | http://www.karencusolito.com/
Matt Fisher | http://www.mttfshr.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/MattFisherArtist
Anneka Foushee | http://annekafoushee.com/
Flux Foundation | http://www.fluxfoundation.org/ | http://https://www.facebook.com/fluxfoundation
Dan Good | http://www.dangood.org/
Kitty Gordon | http://www.kittygsculpture.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/kittygsculpture
Jared Gutekunst
Nannette Y. Harris-Jones | http://nannetteyart.com/
Raymond L Haywood | http://raymondLhaywood.com/
Gisela Insuaste | http://giselainsuaste.com/
IV designs studio | http://Ivdesignsstudio.com/
Mia Jaeggli | http://www.miajaeggli.com/dishabille
KarinsArt.com | http://KarinsArt.com/
Love Potion Collective | http://www.lovepotioncollective.org/
Jenny Markowitz | http://jennymarkowitz.com/
Kyle Milligan | http://kylemilligan.com/
M Myers Photography | http://mmyersphoto.com/ | https://www.facebook.com/pages/M-Myers-Photography/123304311072073
Perspective Design / Build | http://PerspectiveDesignBuild.com/
Mark Ray
Sam Reese | http://srstudio.org/
Henry Riekena | http://www.henryriekena.com/ | https://www.facebook.com/pages/Henry-Riekenas-Artwork/180407335326427
Dan Seneres | http://danseneres.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/splob1
Fortune Sitole | http://www.fortunesgallery.com/
Douglas Smith | http://www.201design.com/
Esti Sosnik | http://www.estisosnik.com/ | http://facebook.com/estisosnikart
Carl Stieger | http://www.flickr.com/photos/carlstieger

Interactive artworks by:
Ardent Heavy Industries | http://ardentheavyindustries.com/
Flux Foundation | http://www.fluxfoundation.org/ | http://https://www.facebook.com/fluxfoundation
Love Potion Collective | http://www.lovepotioncollective.org/
Mark Ray
Sam Reese | http://srstudio.org/
Dan Seneres | http://danseneres.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/splob1

Talks and demos by:
Ed Acosta
Latisha Baker | http://www.latishabakerartworks.com/
Stephen Bruce | http://stephenbstudios.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stephen-B-Studios/152253588452
Gisela Insuaste | http://giselainsuaste.com/
Matt Fisher | http://www.mttfshr.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/MattFisherArtist
M Myers Photography | http://mmyersphoto.com/ | https://www.facebook.com/pages/M-Myers-Photography/123304311072073
Carl Stieger | http://www.flickr.com/photos/carlstieger
Doug Blanc

Workshops by:
Anneka Foushee | http://annekafoushee.com/


1960 Mandela Parkway, Oakland, California 94607

Saturday May 10, 10am - 11pm
Sunday May 11, 10am - 4pm

Register for the event