Wednesday, April 24th Libby Schaaf's Safe Oakland Speaker Series continued with Berkeley Law Professor Justin McCrary, who shared his recent study, "The Effect of Police on Crime: New Evidence from U.S. Cities, 1960-2010."  McCrary considers Oakland one of the most under-policed cities in the country and believes every dollar spent on increasing police in Oakland should generate $2.90 in reduced victimization costs. McCrary's shared thoughts on how technology could help Oakland's police force


7-9pm at Holy Names University, 3500 Mountain Blvd.

Details, including live stream viewing instructions at Please carpool as parking will be limited; we'll have shuttles from Redwood Heights Elementary School playground.

Special Guests:



Video streaming by Ustream

Video streaming by Ustream

  • Presentation available here.
  • Oakland Tribune article by Dave Boitano here.


Event Notes #1