What do you know about Attitudinal Healing Connection, Inc? 

Founded in 1989, the Attitudinal Healing Connection, Inc. (AHC) located in West Oakland, California, is an Alameda County SLEB certified community-based 501(c)3 nonprofit. Our mission is to empower individuals to be self-aware and inspired through arts, creativity and education; and to make positive choices breaking the cycle of violence for ourselves and our communities. We strongly believe that the vision and mission of the Oakland Housing Authority parallels with the vision and mission of AHC. Through educational programs, workshops, events and healing circles, AHC cultivates skills in personal development, community leadership, and the arts. AHC envisions a world where everyone is whole, safe, loved, educated, and valued. AHC has been at its present location since 1993, and has a long history of providing leadership in areas such as violence reduction and community building. With a full-time staff of five and part-time staff of twelve people, AHC is part of a global network of Attitudinal Healing Centers.

The founders of AHC envisioned a community center that would use Attitudinal Healing principles to address the catastrophic social ills in Oakland neighborhoods caused by racism, violence, and poverty. Attitudinal Healing is a non-traditional mental health approach that encourages people to create new platforms for positive, loving awareness while taking action to solve conflicts, meet challenges, and heal our hearts and minds. Attitudinal Healing affirms that we are responsible for our thoughts and whatever feelings we experience. Attitudinal Healing encourages us to reexamine our relationships by bringing them into the present and releasing past judgments and grievances.It is based on the belief that the purpose of all communication is for joining and not separation. All AHC programming is grounded in the 12 core principles of Attitudinal Healing.

AHC’s programs and events help transform the mind, uplift the spirit, and support the healthy development of people, families, organizations, and communities. We invite people to learn how to make more positive choices for themselves and each other through program topics such as Stress Management, Team Building/Community Building, Mindful Drumming, Diversity Training/Racial Healing, and Conflict Resolution/ Restorative Justice. In addition to community events, we provide professional development workshops and consulting services to share our expertise in the arts, healing, leadership development, team development and community building with businesses, community organizations, teachers, healthcare professionals, and social services workers.