Oakland Women Mayoral Candidate's Forum
NWPC-AN Invites You to Join Us for:
Oakland Women Mayoral Candidate's Forum and Reception on Women’s Equality Day
NWPC-AN will celebrate Women’s Equality Day, the commemoration of the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote, Tuesday, August 26, 2014, by hosting a Oakland Women Mayoral Forum and reception.
The Oakland Mayoral race is proving to be a packed and exciting race where several viable women candidates are campaigning for the mayoral seat.
The forum will be moderated by LaNiece Jones and will feauture Mayoral candidates: Council member Libby Schaaf, Council Member Rebecca Kaplan, City Auditor Courtney Ruby and Mayor Jean Quan have confirmed attendance.
The forum will be preceded by a VIP reception where NWPC-AN members and the public can mingle with candidates and network. The Forum and Reception are being held at Joyce Gallery in Oakland, a woman owned event venue and gallery.
Oakland Women Mayoral Forum and Reception
Joyce Gordon Gallery, 406 14th St. Oakland, CA 94612
VIP Reception for NWPC-AN members and Sponsors 6-7 p.m.
Mayoral Forum 7-8 p.m.
NWPC-AN Members and Sponsors: Free (join or renew now)
Non-NPWC Members: $5