Broadway Bowl was, believe it or not, a bowling alley near (but not on) Broadway. It was originally described as being at Broadway and 22nd Street - but 22nd Street west of Broadway was later renamed West Grand Avenue, and the alley then had an address of 416 W. Grand. The bowling alley opened in June 1941, and closed in or about 1976. The building was demolished sometime between 1980 and 1988. 1
Note that the street south of the Breuner Building on this Sanborn map excerpt is identified as 22nd Street, but the map notes that it was formerly known as 21st Street. Compare this to the 1911-1912 Sanborn excerpt on the Key Route Inn page, where this same street is called 22nd Street, apparently before it was renamed 21st Street and then re-renamed 22nd Street. The same transition in names is apparent on the Old Oakland maps, and is confusing!