How can government be part of the solution? What do you think?
Thursday, March 19th, 2015, 4-6pm. 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza.
Join us for a community meeting to discuss a proposed City of Oakland Department of Race & Equity:
+ Learn about how a Department of Race & Equity could change the way the City of Oakland serves its residents.
+ Receive key dates and other important information about how you can stay involved in helping a Department of Race & Equity become reality.
+ Share your thoughts about why a Department of Race & Equity would benefit Oaklanders.
***A press conference will be held before the meeting, so please arrive by 3pm to show your support.
presented in partnership by community organizations:
Councilmember Desley Brooks
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE)
Causa Justa Just Cause
Communities For a Better Environment
East Bay Asian Youth Center
East Oakland Building Healthy Communities
Oakland Community Organizations
Onyx Organizing Committee
People United for a Better Life in Oakland