Oakland Earth Day is Saturday April 20, 2013.

Events are planned in 80 locations around the city with a number of featured events happening between 9 a.m. and 12 Noon.

Volunteer registrations for sites listed below are sourced from the City's Earth Day Webpage.

But, with three weeks until Earth Day, there's nothing stopping anyone from self-organizing a new event and listing it here with a call-out for area volunteers!

Just add your info below.


2013 Volunteer Site Locations

  1. Splash Pad Park **Cleanup on Apr. 21, 9am-noon**
    Volunteer Check-In: Splash Pad Park Plaza, at the corner of Lake Park Ave. and Grand Ave. Project Description: Planting, Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  2. Hillcrest Estates Improvement Association
    Volunteer Check-In: The Firehouse corner of Skyline Blvd. and Brookpark Dr. Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup, cleaning traffic signs
  3. W D Wood Park
    Volunteer Check-In: 2920 McKillop Rd. Project Description: Planting, Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal, Mulching    
  4. Temescal Creek greenbelt / DMV Neighbors Association
    Volunteer Check-In: The lawn at the corner of Cavour St. and Redondo Way, near the giant eucalyptus tree Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup, Clearing the creek bed of debris    
  5. Peralta Hacienda Historical Park
    Volunteer Check-In: The Core, near the museum @ 2465 34th Ave. Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  6. FROG Park
    Volunteer Check-In: Hardy Park (Big Frog) kiosk, at the end of Hardy Circle Project Description: Planting, Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal
  7. Damuth St. Neighborhood Watch
    Volunteer Check-In: 2307 Damuth St. Project Description: Trash Pickup
  8. Dimond Park *2013 Featured Site!*
    Volunteer Check-In: 8:30am, Front of the Scout Hut near Dimond Recreation Center, 3860 Hanley Rd. Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  9. San Pablo Ave Corridor *2013 Featured Site!*
    Volunteer Check-In:Golden Gate Library, 5606 San Pablo Ave. Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  10. East Oakland Boxing Association *2013 Featured Site!*
    Volunteer Check-In: parking lot at 816 98th Ave. Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  11. DeFremery Park *2013 Featured Site!*
    Volunteer Check-In: Parking lot at 1651 Adeline St. by the stairs Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal
  12. Morcom Rose Garden *2013 Featured Site!*
    Volunteer Check-In: 700 Jean St. Project Description: Weeding/Pruning
  13. Lake Merritt Sailboat House *2013 Featured Site!*
    Volunteer Check-In: Courtyard of the Sailboat House, 568 Bellevue Ave. Project Description: Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal
  14. Rainbow Recreation Center *2013 Featured Site!*
    Volunteer Check-In: Rec Center, 5800 International Blvd. Project Description: Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal
  15. East Bay Academy for Young Scientists
    Volunteer Check-In: Courtland Ave. & San Carlos Ave. Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  16. Las Vegas Ave Neighbors
    Volunteer Check-In: Dead-end traffic guard rail at end of Las Vegas Ave. Project Description: Planting, Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  17. Rockridge Library
    Volunteer Check-In: 5366 College Ave, at front of library Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  18. Mills College
    Volunteer Check-In: Mills College Post Road Restoration Site (across from Olney Hall) Project Description: Weeding/Pruning
  19. Jingletown Arts & Business Community
    Volunteer Check-In: Peterson St. between Ford St. and Chapman St. Project Description: Planting, Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal
  20. Longfellow Community Association
    Volunteer Check-In: Linden Park tot lot, 998 42nd St. Project Description: Trash Pickup
  21. East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC)
    Volunteer Check-In: 25th Ave. and International Blvd. Project Description: Trash Pickup
  22. BRIDGE Housing **Cleanup on Apr. 13, 9am-noon**
    Volunteer Check-In:16th St. Station; 1601 Wood St. Project Description: Trash Pickup; Weeding/Pruning
  23. High and Culver Sts.
    Volunteer Check-In: Corner of High St. and Culver St. at the bus stop Description: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal
  24. Cal Rotaract **Cleanup on Apr. 14, 9am-noon**
    Volunteer Check-In: Bancroft Ave & 73rd Ave Project Description: Trash Pickup; Weeding/Pruning; Spreading Mulch
  25. Numi Tea **Cleanup on Apr. 22**
    Volunteer Check-In: EVENT IS AT CAPACITY Description: Trash Pickup
  26. Blandon/Glenly Road Neighbors
    Volunteer Check-In: Corner of Golf Links & Blandon Rds. Project Description: Trash Pickup
  27. Butters Canyon Conservancy
    Volunteer Check-In: 3514 Butters Dr Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  28. First Unitarian Church & Old Oakland Neighbors
    Volunteer Check-In: Lafayette Square Park at 10th & Jefferson Sts. Project Description: Planting, Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  29. Chabot Park
    Volunteer Check-In: Golden Gate Litho parking lot- 11144 Golf Links Rd. Project Description: Planting, Weeding/Pruning
  30. City of Oakland Parks and Recreation
    Volunteer Check-In: Arroyo Viejo Park Community Garden, at 79th Ave cul-de-sac near Arthur St. Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Mulching, Light Construction
  31. Redwood Heights Neighborhood Association
    Volunteer Check-In: Redwood Heights Recreation Center, 3883 Aliso Ave. Project Description: Planting, Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  32. Friends of Canyon Castle/LaMasNa
    Volunteer Check-In: 2101 Mastlands Dr Project Activity: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  33. East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC)
    Volunteer Check-In: Lion Creek Crossing Family Resource Center, 6818 Lion Way Project Description: Trash Pickup
  34. Gardens at Lake Merritt
    Volunteer Check-In: Lakeside Park bandstand, 666 Bellevue Ave Project Description: Planting, Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal, Weeding/Pruning
  35. Dover St Neighborhood Group
    Volunteer Check-In: Picnic tables at Dover St Park, 5707 Dover St Project Description: Planting, Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal, Weeding/Pruning
  36. Temescal Pool Neighbors
    Volunteer Check-In: Temescal Pool, Front Garden, 371 45th St Project Description: Weeding/Pruning
  37. Skyline High School PTSA **Cleanup on April 27, 9am-noon**
    Volunteer Check-In: Skyline HS, 12250 Skyline Blvd, at theater/auditorium ticket sales window Project Description: Planting, Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup, Constructing Picnic Tables
  38. 10th and Wood Sts., West Oakland
    Volunteer Check-In: 10th St & Wood St, West Oakland Project Description: Trash Pickup, Blight/Dumping Removal
  39. Laney College
    Volunteer Check-In: Laney Bistro, in the rear of the "E" Building Project Description: Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal, Weeding/Pruning
  40. The Tenants of The Jackson Arms
    Volunteer Check-In: Bellevue Park, between Ellita Ave and Staten Ave Project Description: Trash Pickup
  41. Peralta Engineers Medical and Science Club (PEMS)
    Volunteer Check-In: Carl B Munck Elementary School, 11900 Campus Drive Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup in Leona Heights Park
  42. Oakland Landscape Committee
    Volunteer Check-In: Broadway Garden, Broadway & Keith Ave Project Description: Planting, Trash Pickup, Weeding/Pruning, Mulching
  43. SANG
    Volunteer Check-In: Median at Stanford Ave & Fremont St Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  44. Abbott Drive Neighbors
    Volunteer Check-In: 43 Abbott Dr Project Description: Weeding/Pruning
  45. Laurel Village Association
    Volunteer Check-In: Laurel Art Garden, 35th Ave and Delaware St Project Description: Planting, Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal, Weeding/Pruning
  46. Phoenix Rising Peace Park
    Volunteer Check-In: Sterling Dr & Lamp St Project Description: Planting, Weeding/Pruning
  47. Friends of Sausal Creek
    Volunteer Check-In: E 27th St & Barry Pl Project Description: Trash Pickup, Weeding/Pruning
  48. East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC) **Cleanup on April 22, 10:30am-noon**
    Volunteer Check-In: Madison Square Park, 810 Jackson St Project Description: Trash Pickup
  49. Montera Neighbors Association / Friends of Sausal Creek **Cleanup on Apr. 21, 9am-noon**
    Volunteer Check-In: Mountain Blvd & Joaquin Miller Ct (Palos Colorados Trail) Project Description: Weeding/Pruning
  50. Oakland Chinatown Chamber
    Volunteer Check-In: Gateway Bank, 360 8th St Project Description: Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal
  51. Calcot Community Group/The Jingletown Arts & Business Community
    Volunteer Check-In: Cotton Mill Studios, 1091 Calcot Place Project Description: Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal
  52. Oakland Zoo Arroyo Viejo Creek Crew
    Volunteer Check-In: Oakland Zoo's Golf Links Entrance; 9777 Golf Links Rd; park in lower parking lot Project Description: Planting, Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  53. Friends of Sausal Creek
    Volunteer Check-In: Fruitvale Bridge Park, near Fruitvale Ave & Alameda Ave Project Description: Trash Pickup
  54. Friends of Sausal Creek - Joaquin Miller Native Plant Nursery
    Volunteer Check In: Joaquin Miller Native Plant Nursery Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Nursery Maintenance
  55. Garber Park Stewards/Claremont Canyon Conservancy
    Volunteer Check-In: Parking turn-out just beyond 7380 Claremont Ave Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  56. Cascade Volunteers
    Volunteer Check-In: Cleveland Cascade Park, Lakeshore Entrance (across from 395 Merritt Ave) Project Description: Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal, Weeding/Pruning
  57. Rock Church of Oakland
    Volunteer Check-In: Elmhurst Community Prep, 1800 98th Ave Project Description: Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal
  58. We Lead Ours
    Volunteer Check-In: Verdese Carter Park, 98th Ave and Bancroft Ave Project Description: Trash Pickup, Weeding/Pruning, Planting
  59. Manzanita Community School
    Volunteer Check-In: Manzanita Community School, 2409 E 27th St, near the play castle at the front playground Project Description: Planting, Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal
  60. East Oakland Youth Development Center (EOYDC)
    Check-IN: EOYDC, 8200 International Blvd. Project Description: Weeding/Pruning
  61. Piedmont Pines NA
    Volunteer Check-In: Marjorie Saunders Park; Scout Rd and Ascot Dr Project Description: Trash Pickup, Weeding/Pruning, Graffiti Removal
  62. Crestmont HOA
    Volunteer Check-In: Crestmont Dr & Chadbourne Way Project Description: Planting, Trash Pickup, Weeding/Pruning
  63. Melrose High Hopes NCPC/Friends of Courtland Creek
    Volunteer Check-In: Brookdale Ave & Courtland Ave, Courtland Creek Park Project Description: Trash Pickup
  64. Dimond District - Dimond Gateway
    Volunteer Check-In: Dimond Gateway Pocket Park; corner of Lincoln Blvd and MacArthur Blvd Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Mulching
  65. Cantonese-Speaking Citizens' Academy Alumni with Communities
    Volunteer Check-In: Lincoln Square Rec Center, 10th St and Harrison St Project Description: Trash Pickup
  66. Keep Dimond Clean; Paws & Claws; shopdimond.com merchants
    Volunteer Check In: Giant Burger parking lot, 2055 MacArthur Blvd Project Description: Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal
  67. Friends of Glen Echo Park - PANIL
    Volunteer Check-In: Monte Vista Ave, one block east of Piedmont Ave Project Description: Planting, Weeding/Pruning
  68. Richmond Blvd Neighborhood Association
    Volunteer Check-In: Oak Glen Park, across from 3600 Richmond Blvd at West MacArthur Blvd Project Description: Planting, Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  69. Unity Council
    Volunteer Check-In: Cesar Chavez Annex, E 18th St between 38th Ave and 39th Ave Project Description: Tree planting
  70. City Slicker Farms
    Volunteer Check-In: Marston Campbell Park, 16th St. and West St., near playground Project Description: Planting, Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal
  71. Friends of Sausal Creek - Dimond Canyon Park
    Volunteer Check-In: Bridgeview Trail: From Hwy. Blvd; At first stop sign, bear left, staying on Leimert. Go one block, turn left onto Bridgeview. It dead-ends at the trailhead. Project Description: We...
  72. 29th St Group/Quality Neighborhood Group
    Volunteer Check-In: Durant Park, 690 29th St Project Description: Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal
  73. Safety 1st
    Volunteer Check-In: 308 Jackson St, in front of World Ground Cafe Project Description: Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal
  74. Tenants of Caldecott Lane
    Volunteer Check-In: Behind the building at 130 Caldecott Ln Project Description: Trash Pickup
  75. School of Urban Missions/Sobrante Park Leadership Council
    Volunteer Check-In: School of Urban Missions, 735 105th Ave Project Description: Planting, Trash Pickup, Weeding/Pruning
  76. The L. Chaste Corporation
    Volunteer Check-In: San Leandro St & 98th Ave Project Description: Trash Pickup; Weeding/Pruning
  77. Koreatown Northgate (KONO)
    Volunteer Check-In: 1. Taste of Denmark, 3401 Telegraph Ave.; 2. KONO Office, 2633 Telegraph Ave.
  78. Friends of Sausal Creek
    Volunteer Check-In: 2639 Beaconsfield Place Project Description: Weeding/Pruning    
  79. Oakland's Brooklyn Beautification Project
    Volunteer Check-In: 1218 E 21st St, upper driveway Project Description: Planting
  80. US Coast Guard - Union Point Park **Cleanup on April. 22 or 23**
    Volunteer Check-In: Parking lot at the north end of Union Point Park, 2311 Embarcadero Project Description: Trash Pickup, Graffiti Removal, Weeding/Pruning 
  81. McCrea Memorial Park
    Volunteer Check-In: Picnic table behind the creek in McCrea Memorial Park, Shepherd and Carson Sts Project Description: Weeding/Pruning, Trash Pickup
  82. Friends of Peralta Creek
    Volunteer Check-In: Wisconsin St & Rettig Ave Project Description: Weeding, Mulching
  83. 15th Street Corridor Collective
    Volunteer Check-In: 337 15th St (White Building) Project Description: Graffiti Removal  
  84. OCCUR
    Volunteer Check-In: 1. Eastmont Tech Center, 6948 Foothill Blvd; 2. That Takes the Cake, 5855 MacArthur Blvd
  85. Vicente Canyon Neighborhood Association
    Volunteer Check-In: Alvardo Rd & Willow Walk Project Description: Weeding/Pruning