East Bay ShareFest is a decentralized open collaboration in support of the SF Bay Area sharing movement.  In 2014 with support from the Sharing Cities Network and Center for a New American Dream, the ShareFest was born. It highlighted a collective calendar of events spanning the month of May and brought together 30 sharing projects and organizations in solidarity. East Bay ShareFest is currently gathering collaborators for May 2015 and is open to all.

EBSF and the Sharing Cities Network is part of an effort that's connecting people who are building cities based on principles of meeting everyone's needs, collaboration, and sharing resources. It's an effort that's providing people with ideas and tools and helping spread knowledge about what people in different places are working on.

East Bay ShareFest specifically seeks collaboration with organizations and projects related to the sharing economy including initiatives focused on but not limited to: co-housing, co-working space, community commons and community space, cooperatives, food justice, urban farming and community gardens, skill shares, time banking, renewable energy & energy independence, alternative currencies, shared kitchens, economic empowerment & independence, bike kitchens, the maker movement, hackerspace, open education and mutual learning, lending libraries, car, bike, & ride shares, mesh networking, public archives and resources, volunteerism, access to further self realization and transformation, open source tech, swapping, and ?

Together we will fortify our local sharing community and demonstrate the power of the movement while raising awareness and vision for a more sustainable future.

Join East Bay ShareFest 2015 taking place throughout Maywww.eastbaysharefest.net

Join the Facebook Group


BACE Timebank * Transition Berkeley * East Point Peace Academy * Arizmendi Association of Cooperatives*Energy Solidarity Cooperative *East Bay Cohousing * Community Rejuvenation Project * East Bay Resilience Challenge *NorCal Community Resilience Network *Oakland Acupuncture Project * East Bay Meditation Center * Planting Justice *Dana Cafe * Bay Bucks * Soul Sanctuary *PLACE for Sustainable Living * Zach Pine * Electro-Bhakti Dance *Sustainable Economies Law Center * One Life Institute * Sudo Room *Oakland Wiki * Yoga Love West Oakland *Soja Martial Arts Studio * Wilderness Within, Aware & Alive Meditation * Transition Albany *Five Flavors | Paeonia Integrative Medicine *



What's Next

  • Festival Calendar submissions are open for EBSF 2015. Visit the website for more info www.eastbaysharefest.net
  • Invite others to be a part of East Bay ShareFest 2015 and spread the word!
  • Join the Facebook Group
  • add more here if necessary...

