Freeway Variety c. 1976 Photo by Bill Boyd
Freeway Variety was opened about March 1956 by partners Cy Fritz and David Iventosch.
In 1957 1 Iventosch bought out his partner Cy Fritz and he continued to run the store with his wife Delores until ?
The address was 6125 Medau Place.
I felt the best way to describe this most beloved and dearly missed variety store is by sharing memories of it which were detailed in a Facebook group. The group is lovingly called Forgotten Montclair. It is dedicated to preserving and sharing the memories of growing up in the Montclair District of Oakland, California.
- Laura C.: I bought my Beautiful Crissy doll there, in elementary school, along with my camping cookware for Brownie camp. When I graduated to high school, I bought my powder blue gym clothes there.
- Joanne G: Freeway Variety was "candy land" heaven to me! My mom never let me have candy growing up - not ever once being able to trick or treat. So if I was ever able to ride my bike up to Freeway Variety from lower Broadway Terrace (all uphill)! The Now or Later were my first choice after a spin around the store to take in the isles of crazy stuff
- Todd E: Lived in Montclair 1970 - 1992. Freeway Variety was like the ultimate dive bar of five and dimes. It was kind of dark with low ceilings, but it was comfy. It felt a little bit like a place where you could buy a Gremlin from some ancient guy in the back where all the wicker baskets hung from the ceiling. There were nuances to Freeway Variety that can never be replicated anywhere else. There was nothing funnier than riding your BMX down that strange concrete slope and dropping your bike down and entering the store in one fluid motion. It's the place where I thought Army Men and those little parachute dudes where born. It had all the romantic stuff of childhood, candy, cards, Slurpee's, video games, toys, Choose Your Own Adventure Books, a whole section on Movie Novelizations (with pictures in the middle!), strange arcane stuff like rabbit's feet and real Mexican Jumping Beans.To me, the basic concept of what 1 mile is will always be the walk from my house over by Joaquin Miller School to Freeway Variety.
- Christopher W: Ah there it is, my favorite store growing up in Montclair. While my mom shopped at Lucky's I would be down at Freeway Variety looking for everything from match cars, Pez dispensers, loved the chocolate ones, and when I was really small, I would get a quarter and ride the horse in the front. Good times
- Cherie L: We would walk down there from Westwood Way. Buster brown socks. Schools supplies. Candy you name it. Lived in Montclair from 1959 to 1982.
- Nanette: I loved Freeway Variety! The old creaky wood floor that sloped down. You could get art (my favorite), craft, and school supplies. And of course where we got our Wacky Packs!!!!·
- Dennis J: Does anyone remember the ladies of Freeway Variety store? Florence, Winnie, Mildred, and May. I worked there after school and weekends. Coolest boss ever: Big David Iventosch. My first real job!!!
- Helene C: Loved everything about Freeway Variety. The smell of popcorn, candy, turtle pond scum. The only place where you could get candy, washcloths, home goods, toys, candy, an iron, a picture frame, valentines, Christmas cards, canning jars, toy guns, turtles, popcorn, and candy. And those old ladies behind the counter. A golden childhood staple and memory. I pity everyone else
- Dena M: I remember we would all go there to pick out our Halloween costumes and buy wax harmonicas.
- Lara: I loved getting presents from here. Thanks to my mom, this is dated. I guess that means I am too! 33 years ago . . .
- Erik H: Florence always gave me extra on my Icee. But you introduced me to the "Suicide "flavored slush.
- Jan D: The ladies used to follow us around the store, thinking we were going to steal something!
- Stephanie W: Florence was my auntie
- Went to "Freeway" after school almost every day in the mid 70's. Ices and candy. You could find anything there
- Donna: I still have my Ink bottles and pens.
- Susan S: Look what I found cleaning out my closet
Links and References:
- Oakland Tribune April 2019 - Obituary David Iventosch