FREE energy efficiency service
This summer (2013), the City of Oakland is supporting free energy and water assessments for your home as well as installation of free CFLs, showerheads, retractable clotheslines, pipe wrap insulation, and more through California Youth Energy Services. The program trains and employs Oakland youth each summer in green services. For many of the young people, this is an entree into a career.
These free Green House Calls (GHCs) are available to all homeowners and renters regardless of income level but are only available July 2 thru Aug 8, so register now. Spots fill up quickly.
For more info or to register: 665.1501 x10 or click here
This is paid for by an energy reduction program of the California Public Utilities Commission (funded by a surcharge on your utility bills and administered by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company). Your local water district and city government are also chipping in...and of course, we accept donations from the committed public: individuals like you who want to help us hire more youth and save more resources!