Greenbelt Alliance, which began in 1958 as Citizens for Regional Recreation and Parks (CRRP), is an organization formed by environmentally concerned individuals and groups to protect parks and recreational areas in the Bay Area.
The Greenbelt Alliance has worked to create a "greenbelt" around the Bay Area- to maintain green areas and keep development from encroaching into this green space.
One of the campaigns the Greenbelt Alliance is advocating on behalf of is the Better Broadway plan (otherwise known as the Broadway Valdez District Specific Plan). "The City of Oakland is pursuing a specific plan to guide new development along the nearly 1-mile stretch of Broadway between Grand Avenue and Highway 580. This area is now characterized by many vacant lots and underutilized spaces, including several former car dealerships. If done well, the Broadway-Valdez Specific Plan will create a flexible framework for the revitalization of the neighborhood that was once known as “Auto Row” for its many car-related businesses." 1
Additional Links
- Greenbelt Alliance official website 1
- Better Broadway Greenbelt Alliance 2