Fuming Guerilla is curating a rotating series of murals on a building behind the Greyhound Bus Station in San Pablo Gateway/Uptown.
the wall before. photo by fuming guerrilla, used with permission
The first attempt at the mural, December, 2014, was halted when the artists went out of town for awhile
Trevni and ham. photo by fuming guerrilla, used with permission
The next mural was started in January, 2015.
The mural is by Nite Owl, Anemal, Roar, Lisa Pisa, Ernest Doty, Aura, Ham, Gunk CBS
Anemal, Lisa Pisa and Aura photo by greenkozi
Nite Owl, Anemal, Lisa Pisa photo by greenkozi
Aura photo by greenkozi
Aura, Ham and Gunk CBS photo by greenkozi
Ham and Gunk CBS photo by greenkozi
@gaksamillion & @fula_surprises getting ready to paint lettering above the wall. photo by fuming guerrilla, used with permission
the lettering up above. photo by fuming guerrilla, used with permission
photo by fuming guerrilla, used with permission
photo by fuming guerrilla, used with permission
photo by fuming guerrilla, used with permission