On Friday, March 1st, First Friday was a little different in response to the shooting that occurred during the February event. Heal the Hood was involved in the special event.
See facebook page for more details.
From Needa Bee:
Thank u every1 who came out n participated on the heal the hood block! Local 1200 held it down with 3 n a half hours of revolutionary, thought provoking, truth telling culture and closed the last 30min playing bay area slaps so we cud celebrate the way the bay knos how2. Love2the revolutionary artists n organizers came thru n kept it real breaking down all forms of violence that plagues oakland n the world everyday n urged people2organize4broad n far reaching change: poor magazine, ms jeralyn blueford, uncle bobby, naygnarlee and no doubt fr youth speaks, paradise the poet, ras ceylon and 1of the youth he mentors - kiante, tony coleman. Thank u dafina kuficha4leading us in the moment of silence/libations n preaching the truth about what we need 2do within ea n every1 of us 2end violence. Thank u veronica ramirez 4coming 4ward n facilitating the building of a peace mandala. Thank u2all the youngsters on r block enjoying themselves ns howing that oakland knos how 2have fun widout funk! C every1 next month!