hope logo final

Honoring Our Perseverance and Empowerment (HOPE) is a peer-led Suicide Attempt Survivor Support Group run through the Mental Health Association of SF.

Weekly, peer-run, free, structured, and focused on suicidality.  WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) related. Located by BART in SF.

Groups start and close at about 10-12 people, who commit to meeting weekly for 12 weeks. There are also ongoing meetings for folks who've completed the 12 week group.

As of 12/23/14, there are 6-8 people lined up, and the group is projected to start in February 2015.


Stephen Marks
Training and Evaluation Director
Mental Health Association of San Francisco
870 Market Street, Suite 781
Phone: (415) 421-2926 ex 322
Email: [email protected]
