The is the list of communities that Oakland Wiki would like to engage with through events, workshops, trainings, listening sessions, and more!
Who are motivated people we can approach? What existing communities can we organize with? What are the spaces (online and physical) where these communities gather and communicate (ie, how do we make contact with them?)? What are their needs and interests and how does the wiki fit into those needs and interests? What kinds of events/activites would interest these communities?
Historians and Geographers, etc.
Vicky and Marina visited the Friends of the Oakland History Room (History Room sub-chapter of the Friends of the Oakland Library) and they were very enthusiastic. How do we tap their enthusiasm?
- Vicky has a whole list of people she was given there, that she still has to contact!!!
The Oakland Wiki team has a private contact list of local historians. (Can also search on tag “historian”)
- Authors of histories of Oakland include Annalee Allen, Erika Mailman, Jeff Norman, Beth Bagwell
- Contact individuals who have done online local history projects:
- Oakland Heritage Alliance: history of individual houses/buildings. Walking tours. Their events page here.
Editathons after various history walks, ex: Feb. Black History Month Oakland Black History Walks
- Would be nice to go on walks, document them (photo and video), and have info handouts for people who can't join for editathons afterwards or if it's not possible to organize an editathon afterwards.
- Walking tours: Secret Stairs of the East Bay, Oakland Heritage Alliance, Oakland Urban Paths, Mountain View Cemetery
Local History Editathons - We developed this idea as a way to attract people who are already crazy about Oakland and creating a story for the city.
- We want to expand editathons to other collections (currently, have only done editathons at the Oakland History Room in the main branch)
- We have permission from the library to scan anything in the public domain or owned by Oakland Public Library. For Oakland History Room images, we must label them "Courtesy the Oakland History Room, Oakland Public Library".
- People can download the Camscanner app and take photos of documents, replicating a scan. Android. iPhone.
- We have printed paper instructional flyers. (link) (PDF: LocalWikiEditingFlyer.pdf)
Activities for geographers?
- This is dependent on identifying a broader strategy for dealing with unique (ie, trails, personal routes, etc.) and historic maps of Oakland. Should we have pages for each map? Try to map different things using the built-in mapping tools? What other options are available?
Vicky and Marina visited the Friends of the Oakland History Room (History Room sub-chapter of the Friends of the Oakland Library) and they were very enthusiastic. How do we tap their enthusiasm?
Galleries, Archives, Museums
Oakland Museum of California: Vicky is reaching out to them. It looks like we will be having an editathon there the first Sunday in March! Topic/collections of interest to us to access:
- Immigration
- The Bancroft Library: They own the licenses to many of the pieces in their collection (Copyright the Regents of the University of California).
Oakland History Room archive
- There may be an opportunity for digitizing OPL archival material.
- Already working with Oakland History Room on History Editathons.
- Oakland Wiki digitization program
- Oakland Wiki digitized material database (a la Wikimedia Commons)
Oakland Museum of California: Vicky is reaching out to them. It looks like we will be having an editathon there the first Sunday in March! Topic/collections of interest to us to access:
- Oakland Public Library Teen Zone: We want more local youth involvement and perspective. - Marina
- Teen Zones at other OPL branches
Editathons at other OPL branches, many of which have unique collections
- challenge here is coordinating a date - most OPL branches are closed on Sundays.
- There may be an opportunity for digitizing OPL archival material.
- Already working with Oakland History Room on History Editathons.
Vicky and Marina visited the Friends of the Oakland History Room (History Room sub-chapter of the Friends of the Oakland Library) and they were very enthusiastic. How do we tap their enthusiasm?
- library boosters/supporters/communities like Friends of the Library are probably one of the first groups we should tap- also, any other groups they know of that meet at branches. -lb
Politics/Gov't (Lauren interested in organizing)
- League of Women Voters of Alameda County is very interested in coordinating activities!
- Open Oakland IS participating in Open Data Day (Feb. 23) (and possiblyCivic Hack Day (Jun. 1-2, 2013)) The event will be at the 81st Ave. Library Branch. We will have an Oak Wiki "track" for non-coders focusing specifically on City Council/City policy and any other civic-related issues.
- Open Oakland's Digital Divide community: They want to increase participation in the online civic and professional life of all Oaklanders. They hold meetings at 7pm on 4th Thursdays in the Sudo Room.
- Possible topics for politics/govt-related posts/editathons: City Council, Ordinances, various politicians
- City of Oakland "Visit Oakland" has neat highlights.
Oakland bloggers and local news sources. We have discovered that there are TONS of bloggers dedicated to things on and about Oakland (from neighborhood geography to murals to infinity!) and we want to be friends with ALL of them. Tech Liminal has an Oakland bloggers meetup (this may no longer be happening? See Tech Liminal's Calendar).
we have a great oakland blogs page now! keep adding!
- Oakland Local has a massive list of Oakland bloggers that is a list of bloggers who live in oakland. we should use this list but realize that the blogs are not all oakland content
- talk to susan of Oakland local- may be interested in organizing a meet-up with these guys
- Wild Oakland (do nature walks in Oakland)
- Would be good to reach out to some of the less-active bloggers that are a wealth of Oakland info (ex: Vsmoothe, DTO510, rebecca, etc)
local news outlets- news page started!
- Oakland North - Currently has a column on historic buildings of Oakland. They are a friend of the wiki!
- Oakland Local
- Oakland Tribune - Annalee Allen has a local history column in the Tribune and is a friend of the wiki. We have other friends of the wiki at the Tribune as well!
Contra Costa Times - CCTimes online coordinator @georgekelly follows Oakland Wiki and is also the author of the completely wonderful No There There webcomic. (gk is going to meet him on wednesday, will see what i can do!)
Oakland Voices ( - Oakland Voices correspondent Cervantes follows Oak Wiki twitter.- Check out KALW's map of places in the Bay Area that they've done stories about.
we have a great oakland blogs page now! keep adding!
Mural/Street Art
- lb can spearhead possibly
- topical now with graffiti ordinance
- CRP already very tied into this- might be able to recruit lots of folks
- how to tie into art murmur? are there public art murmur meetings?
- Oakland Pubic Library Teen Zones and Youth Leadership Council - Marina and Matt have already presented to this group and have good contact with the Teen Zone librarians. This group needs to be engaged more.
- Mills College audio journalism class - Marina and Shani working on this!
- Local high schools? This will probably have to involve at least one educator who is motivated to organize events at their own school/in their own community
- OCCUR Computer Clubs, other after school computer programs, etc.
- Youth UpRising
- Youth Radio
Neighborhood associations, etc.
- Longfellow Community Association. They have a great website and facebook presence. We would like to reach out to them! They meet the first Thursday of every month. The next meeting is on 2/7.
- Ad hoc neighborhood lists Eddan knows of.
- Neighborland and Nextdoor hyperlocal social networks, also Just My Neighbors
- Neighborhood Councils/Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council. Here.
- home associations
- Temescal very active- maybe people in charge of First Fridays
Piedmont Ave- just started up FF equivalent- contact people there
- Piedmont Avenue Neighborhood Improvement League (PANIL)
- East Oakland outreach? Deep East? Mural people will probably have good contacts
- Glenview. They even have a wiki!
- Friends of Sausal Creek
- Dimond and Beat22x NCPC
- Old Oakland
Bicycle coalitions
- Key groups: Walk Oakland Bike Oakland, East Bay Bicycle Coalition, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, local bike shops
- See our Bikeabouts page!
- Scraper bikes!
Black Panthers in Oakland
- it looks like there's an exhibit right now at ALCO law library downtown, but i can't find it on the website.
- photo exhibit at La Pena in Berkeley Jan 3-Feb 28
- web resource with lots of primary sources
- Youth Uprising?
- Workshops with teachers? Maybe a hack day of developing educational activities using Oakland Wiki?
- Contacting local schools and community colleges, identifying enthusiastic teachers/administrators who would be interested in coordinating Oak Wiki activities at the school.
- Collaboration with hack/make spaces and Community Technology Centers (see Digital Divide entry for some organizations working in this area) on activities.
- Get back in touch with Anna - Oakland Reads Coalition (could do a presentation on Oak Wiki there)
Get back in touch with Holly at Mills College - she is interested in a Mills portal which would allow Mills students to upload their work!
- Mills students created the fantastic Economic Edge tumblr with stories about Fruitvale and San Antonio.
- Music community
local food producers/food trucks
- Would be fun to have an event where local food producers bring food they make and let people rate it on the wiki ;)
- Eat Real Festival (9/27-29)
- foodies/restaurants
urban farming
- Is there an Oakland/East Bay network for urban farms or an event where many Oakland urban farmers may be located?
- How to incorporate farmers markets?
Food Justice community
- closely related to urban farming, farmers markets, and local food producers
coffee community
- Is there an Oakland coffee event? Maybe we could have one...drink coffee and edit?
local food producers/food trucks
Non-profits/Community Groups
- Many opportunities here for community organizing groups from particular communities within Oakland and for communities that are not primarily English-speaking.
Many nonprofits and community groups in Oakland don't have web presences or have very poor web presences. There is a lot of opportunity here.
- Directories (ex: Youth Services Directory) can provide good lists of nonprofits and community groups without web presences.
- Sports fans: Oakland A's, Raiders, Warriors, Coliseum Complex
- How do we tap sports fans? At sporting events? Do fan clubs have meetings? :) / Save Oakland Sports does!
- Connecting with local job training facilities to develop job training activities using Oakland Wiki? Or possibly dev?
- Dennis!
Oakland environmental groups
- Local groups organized around Green Spaces/Parks/Wildlife, etc. (ex: Sausal Creek => is this a neighborhood group?- yes and no. it's a creek with environmentalists interested, primarily neighborhood based)
Miscellaneous Groups (please add groups to this list that have expressed interest in collaborating that may not belong in any category)
- NIMBYs => is there a particular organization here?
- Animal people (lb has contacts)