<--back to Oakland Wiki Meeting Notes
Digital Divide meeting: Dennis, Marina, Ivan, Tonya, Jenny
- Review previous week meeting notes
- Julio, Lani, Ivan, Marina to finalize content for a template for Books about Oakland
How do you explain Oakland Wiki?
- Marina gives a pitch: what do you work on at Sudo Room? >>> Oakland Wiki!!!
- One of the websites is Oakland wiki is a website that is all about Oakland, but
- People can learn about the community and share what they know. Anyone can edit it
- Your favorite pizza place:
- Yelp won't have the whole history of the family
- Can people delete stuff too if they don't want it
- One of the cool things is that you can always see the history of a page
- If someone sees something that isn't correct, they can revert the page
- There's a great community of people collaborating
- If you want to quickly learn what is happening
- Recent Changes: all the pages that have been changed in reverse chronological order
- GreenKozi: one of our users
- Maps: Every entry comes with a map; so you can
- Tags: Every page can have multiple tags
- Maps and Tags, you can map
- If it's not tagged, you can see if it already exists >>> Search
- If it doesn't exist, your search you can create a page
- And it's WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get: so you don't have to learn any weird code, like wikipedia
Common questions:
- Why not wikipedia? There's a lot of information about the community that is not encyclopedic: Health Care without Health Insurance. Also, there's a lot of colloquial knowledge, and information that is difficult to source. We, as community, get to determine what guidelines
- What happens if people put "bad things" on the wiki? Technical solution: you can see all the edits and reverts to all the edits; People solution: good group of people collaborating and keeping the information in check; Oakland Pride: Oakland as a community has not had a chance to define itself internally, but more externally, and people are bursting at the seems to correct the external definitions of Oakland.
- Vicky is representing Oakland Wiki at Oakland Nights Live! Maybe Marina will join?
Peralta Hacienda event on Saturday 20 April 10am-3pm
- Lead: Dennis
- Tentative: Vicky, Marina, Julio, Lauren
Oakland Local
- First Tuesday of the month
- Innagural entry be the pitch (Marina)
MLK Editathon
- Ivan coordinating May event
Cinco de Mayo Taco Conf (5 May)
- Walk/Bike/Drive to various taco trucks in Oakland
- History of tacos, etc, photos
Audio Oral Histories
- Dennis/Marina: Organize first audio interview in Sudo Radio >>> Stan (Robinson?) Sunday 14 April, Monday 15 April
- Record Oakland Wiki stories as audio (as podcast?) [Julio/Ivan/Marina]
Project Management software
- Ivan created a Template for Oakland Wiki Projects
- Using it for MLK Event
Open Action items
- Dennis: Ask Peralta Hacienda staff to add a link to Oaklandwiki.org from their events page
- Dennis: Ask Peralta Hacienda about power and Internet connectivity for the Cambodian New Year event to see if we can set up editing stations for the event April 20
- Julio: Investigate opportunities for storing audio on Oaklandwiki.org to see if we can offer it as a way for Peralta Hacienda to store Oakland Griot's oral histories
- Lani: Create a page for one of the Books About Oakland
- Julio: Create a template from Lani's book entry, and inform others how to use it
- Vicky: Register with the Library of Congress for a DMCA Agent
- Vicky: Follow-up with emails to people who agreed to take actions
- Mark/Ivan: Project Management software review [CLOSED]
- Marina: Update on Oakland Local status [CLOSED]
- Mark/Lauren will investigate what local government documents are in the public domain? and something about the Sunshine Act? and about the Freedom of Information act?
- Ivan: MLK Cafe event
- Vicky: Techliminal event
- Dennis: Peralta Hancienda event (Thursday 3/28)
- Vicky: Bikeabout
Event Ideas
We want more people to take the lead in organizing events.
- MLK Cafe event: Ethiopian/Eritrean community--Ivan
- TechLiminal has expressed interest in hosting an Oakland Wiki event with their clients.
- Peralta Hacienda: willing to host an editing event, what date works for them? Wednesday- Saturday, find a day... Due Thursday
- Future Bikeabout: Post articles from Oakland Wiki and post them on the physical place/thing and ALSO filling in gaps with photos and information.
- Future Events: This is a page we started to add in event ideas.
Project Management software
Events falling through the cracks
- Red Mine
- Base Camp
- Trello
- AnyDo
- Mark and Ivan will form a committee and decide on a go forward plan by Thursday 28 March.
Other Notes / Parking Lot
Xander: Bee Keeping