Love Oakland Wiki but not in Oakland? Want to develop a Recent Changes addiction in your own community? There are a bunch of LocalWikis in the Bay Area, a number of which are in need of much love. If you're ready to get started sharing every single thing about your town, here's the list of existing projects.
NOTE: if you don't see your community here and would like to start a LocalWiki in your area, fill out
Also, if you are interested in building up a LocalWiki in your community but want some help, contact [email protected] (or mk30 on the wiki) who lives in Oakland and would be happy to help with any advice. You are also 100% welcome to come say hi at Oakland Wiki volunteer meetups that happen every other Thursday night at 7PM at Sudo Room.
Nearby LocalWikis
- Alameda
- Berkeley
- Fremont
- Richmond
- San Francisco
- San Jose
- Sonoma Valley
- Vacaville
- Walnut Creek
- Yuba-Sutter