The Oakland Housing Authority owns, operates and/or administers subsidized housing for approximately 15,000 households which represent 10% of Oakland's low income families.

The Authority is a victim of budget that stemmed from the federal sequestration fight: ""If this is the new normal, then we're going to be serving 800 to 900 fewer families a year," said Eric Johnson, executive director of the Oakland Housing Authority, which is facing $11 million in sequester cuts. "The safety net just got some big holes in it, and you're going to see this gradual erosion where people become more and more desperate."" [source]

As of early 2013, for the Oakland Housing Authority [source]:

  • Number of Section 8 voucher households: 13,400
  • Number of households on waiting list: 10,200
  • Budget cut: $11 million


Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; 1619 Harrison Street; 1805 Harrison Street* (*These new office hours take effect July 5, 2011)

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