The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission reports and makes recommendations to the Oakland City Council on Parks and Recreation policies. PRAC consists of 11 seats, appointed by the Mayor and Council to represent the citizens of Oakland.
The public is welcome to attend the Commission's monthly meetings, which are held on the second Wednesday of every month except for August, 4:30 pm, at the Lakeside Park Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Avenue. Call (510) 238-7532 to confirm meeting time and venue.
Current Commission Members
Barry Miller, Chair
Ellen Wu, Vice Chair
Judy Belcher
Faith Du Bois
Mio Flores
Mandolin Kadera-Redmond
Toshia Marshall
Marsha Peterson
Paul Rosenbloom
Rob Selna
The work of PRAC isn't in the public eye, but they often are involved in important/controversial things such as the Astro Park Dog Park and the new dog laws. Recently it came to light that PRAC is considering allowing sponsorships of parks by corporations who would be responsible for maintenance. (See Agenda from April, 2014 meeting) OAK046400.pdf