Sometimes people do polls or surveys in Oakland. This page is for the results or discussions of the results or how you can participate.

(Also check out how Oakland fares in comparison to other places here.)



  • 2015 City of Oakland Budget Priorities Survey. A survey of Oakland resident conducted on January 27-31, 2015. View Supplemental Report.pdf
  • Released October, 2013: Telephone Survey of City of Oakland Likely November 2014 Voters by Chamber of CommerceSeptember 24th– 29th, 2013 (lots of discussion of Quan's popularity)
  • Released October, 2013: East Bay Asian Youth Center, Jobs & Housing Coalition, Make Oakland Better Now!, Oakland Community Organizations and Youth Alive did a survey. Results here.
  • A poll was conducted about 2014 Mayoral candidates, commissioned by candidate Libby Schaaf. The results show Kaplan winning if she enters the race and Quan getting only 10% of votes. 41% of voters were undecided.

  • Oakland ran a survey through Engage Oaklad to find out how you get your news and information about Oakland. Results here (account required).
  • KPIX ran a used SURVEY-USA and interviewed 500 Oakland adults on 03/06/14 using blended sample, mixed-mode. Respondents reachable on a home telephone were interviewed on their home telephone in the recorded voice of a professional announcer. Respondents unreachable on a home telephone were shown a questionnaire on their smartphone, laptop, tablet, or other electronic device. Results here. Only 24% of people polled said they approved of the job Jean Quan is doing.
  • The City of Oakland, in collaboration with the Alameda County Transportation Commission, is starting a project to improve transportation safety and comfort on Telegraph Avenue.  The survey was here Telegraph Avenue Complete Streets Implementation Plan - Feedback Survey. The results are here and here Telegraph Outreach Report-FINAL.pdf.

  • EMC did a poll for the City of Oakland March, 2014 of likely voters about the potential for renewing Measure Ymeasure Y poll.pdf



  • Oakland is inviting opinions on your satisfaction with OPD through Nov 8, 2013. Instructions for participation here
  • Oakland is seeking feedback on the new Latham Square Pilot Project here.
  • East Bay Regional Parks District is conducting a 2013 community survey. Help shape the future of the park system here!
  • There was a poll being conducted about 2014 Mayoral candidates, paid for by the campaign of Libby Schaaf.

  • Someone (Libby Schaaf?) is running a survey on the creation of a redistricting commission. Participate here.
  • Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce is doing a survey of members and businesses "To better inform its public policy position around the issue of the minimum wage." Survey is open until April 4th.

  • Take the #oakmtg logo survey here!

  • OPL is running a survey through May 31, 2014 on branch hours
  • Oakland is looking for a new Police Chief in late 2013. Instructions for participation here.
  • Invite only "Short Survey on Oakland Issues" poll in July, 2014
  • Oakland Wiki is running a poll wanting to know what issues you want candidates for mayor in this year's election to address. We're using this information to help determine what questions get asked at a completely grassroots-organized mayoral candidate debate later this year.
  • Libby Schaaf is running a survey on the minimum wage issue currently going on.

  • The City wants resident feedback as it designs the new city website. Poll is open until Oct 15, 2014 :
  • Oakland wants to know how you get your news and information about Oakland (hint're on an entirely community-created participatory information source about Oakland right now :D). Participate here (account required).
  • GoPublic Schools is running a survey on the next superintendent of the board. Participate here.
  • 2nd Impression Community Support Survey - Oakland Hackathon: 2nd Impression is a web app that locates businesses who hire applicants with criminal histories. This is a survey to collect community members' opinions about the issue of hiring ex-offenders and whether or not customers are more willing to support progressive businesses.

  • Jean Quan is running a "Listening Tour" survey. Though listed as "2013," she released this March 5, 2014.

  • Emeryville-Berkeley-Oakland Transit Study (EBOTS) Questionnaire, Online survey 

    Transit riders: take note! Help us improve transit within West Berkeley, Emeryville and West Oakland. Based on public input, we've developed potential options for better transit in West Berkeley, Emeryville and West Oakland. Help us evaluate these transit options. clicking the link here. The Emeryville-Berkeley-Oakland Transit Study (EBOTS) is exploring future visions and improvements for transit in the study area that covers portions of the three cities.  The EBOTS study is paid for by a Federal Transit Administration Transit Planning Grant through Caltrans and is a collaborative effort between the cities of Berkeley, Emeryville and Oakland, and AC Transit, Alameda Country Transportation Commission, Amtrak/ Capitol Corridor, BART, Berkeley Gateway Shuttle and Emery-Go-Round.

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